54. Conversations at Night

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This is going to be the first and last warning for casual flirts, heavy petting and conversations about sex. From this point on we're getting more "frisky"

(explicit content will be marked by a star *:・゚★in the chapter title)



Oliver had finally fallen asleep at Cassian's side. The male was slumbering in the spare room that they would be staying in with her son curled against his side. He was cradling the young boy with one arm, head and body slumped towards Oliver in an effort to shield him from the world.

Isabella busied herself with covering them up, using a thin sheet as she suspected that the pair would be boiling in seconds. Fae males, they're no better than hot water bottles at times. Though she supposed that Cassian resembled a house cat at this moment considering that every quiet snore was accompanied by a soft purr.

"You should join them." Azriel murmurs from the armchair by the window. "I can stay up and keep watch."

"Not yet," She answers, moving the hair that had fallen onto Oliver's face. "I need to see my sister first."

"She can wait."

"I need something to do."

"You need rest."

"Azriel." She sighs, turning to where he's watching her.

For a second he holds her gaze, face resolute but then his shoulders slump slightly as he gives in.

"I'll come with you." He rises to his feet, every movement smooth and silent in a way that Isabella can't help but admire. She watches as he stalks toward the bed, gaze locked on their slumbering family. "Cassian will protect the little one– despite his current sleepy state."

Isabella shrugs, "They're cute."

Azriel sighs in defeat and Isabella shoots him an impish grin. "They do look peaceful."

"Cute." She counters.

"Isa." He admonished but she arches a brow. "Fine, they're... adorable."

"See that wasn't so hard."

"I should have never told you."

"You didn't have to tell me, I figured it out." She's quite smug about that fact and if she had more energy she would certainly be bragging about it. "Besides, what was your alternative? Living in sad denial."

"I was getting there."

"Not with Cassian."

There's a guilty look in his eyes. His gaze darts between Cassian and herself before he quickly ducks down to press a soft kiss to both Olivers' and Cassian's forehead. Azriel gives her a pointed look before attempting to make a quick escape out the room.

"Oh my– Azriel!" She hisses in a whisper, eyes wide. "Holy shit, you and Cassian–"

A hand slams over her mouth and Azriel's face appears before her, furiously shhh-ing her as he tugs her out of the room. Only once his shadows have closed the bedroom door and begin to poke at the hand covering her mouth does Azriel release her.

Sighing in frustration he begins to pace a short length in the hallway, hands raking through his hair as he turns with a furious sharpness every time he doubles back. Isabella can't help the slightly hysterical laughter that bubbles from her chest.

"You two slept together." She grins, expecting herself to be more upset but is surprised to find she doesn't really mind. Well... not exactly, she frowns. "Wait, how would the two of you have sex?"

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