43. Househunting

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The relator seemed completely overwhelmed by Rhys' presence. Not that Isabella blamed him, Rhys was a handsome male after all she just found it... interesting that he was so open about his flirting. Rhys was game of course, having the time of his life seemingly entertaining himself and Isabella.

Though the relator – Ethan – seemed disappointed when Rhys firmly shut him down so they could discuss the house. It made Isabella's chest sag with relief. She had no idea how to react to the two males flirting. Had they been in the human realm they would have been flogged and publicly executed at best.

She had noticed the couples walking together in the residential areas. Originally she had disregarded it as coincidences and trick of the eye but now she wasn't so sure. Unlike her family Isabella had never been particularly against same sex relationships, she just knew it shouldn't be spoken about or encouraged in the human realm.

Oliver's father had experiences with both that she had always attributed to the boredom of eternity. She didn't know why she didn't think the desire to explore or the sexual curiosity that hundreds of years of existence would offer extended to the fae culture. It would be an adjustment for sure, but if this new world offered Oliver more freedom to even love whoever he wanted then she would learn to accept this part of the fae as well.

It was easier thinking of it as a fae custom. They were already so unusual and estranged from their human counterparts.

Azriel had watched her curiously during Rhys and Ethan the realtor's exchange. Az had become somewhat of a sounding board for her in this new world. He might have something worthwhile to say about this new development though she wondered if that would include his own experiences.

At least she assumes he has experiences of a more... fruity variety. She fights the urge to shudder at her choice of words. It sounds so weird to describe it as fruity.

Cassian has been stalking the entirety of the house. She's caught him inspecting hinges and testing the strength of built in bookcases. The shadows too seem to have performed their own inspection. They've been drifting over every surface in the house.

It's a lovely place. Clearly expensive in more structural ways. There's nothing ostenatious but she'd describe the bespoke oak furniture and kitchen as decidedly upper class.

Her mother wouldn't be caught dead in a home as 'unproper' as this.

Nesta would adore it.

But Isabella isn't either of those women.

Oliver would be safe here and Isabella would fight through the sickening guilt of costing Rhys so much money. But that was the problem. She didn't need all this let alone deserve it. She would spent the rest of her apparently short mortal life paying back the high lord.

Though he would argue against it she just couldn't imagine a future of freedom while being saddled with debt of any kind.

"Shall we take a walk around the square." Azriel murmurs but his gaze on Cassian. Isabella glances at her... companion, who is clearly happy with what he sees. Azriel on the other hand has seemingly picked up on her hesitation.

It's only when they're outside and her arm delicately looped with Azriel's that she takes a steadying breath.

"It's overwhelming, isn't it?" He murmurs and Isabella hums in agreement. "Rhys has grown up with the best and wants it for his friends. Cassian spent a childhood with the worst and could never bear the thought of going back to it."

"He is ashamed?" She frowns, not liking the thought of Cassian being embarrassed by his humble begins that are so similar to hers.

"Not necessarily ashamed, though he was for some time." Azriel tilts his head to the side, peering into the park through the iron fencing. "It makes him angry, an old wound that still causes pain but the pain manifests itself in different ways."

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