50. Drunk Conversations

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It was so strange talking to Morrigan now that he had Cassian waiting for him at the other side of the bar. Not to mention the knowledge that Isabella and Ollie were one step closer to joining them in Velaris.

Though the second part of that statement did have his heart racing in panic.

He was entirely sure what he was thinking with all of this but drinking his problems away seemed like a stellar plan for avoiding them till his hangover tomorrow can take the reins.

Unless Cassian stopped him from drinking. He's already eyeing him cautiously and Azriel fights the urge to bite his head off for being overprotective and controlling. Even if that same protectiveness brought a fuzzy feeling to his chest.

But also... in his defence this was only, like, his sixth drink.

It should take at least a few more before he does anything stupid. Like tell Morrigan how much of a selfish bitch she is. Except he's not going to that because that would be impulsive and she's currently wallowing in self pity at how Feyre is awkwardly avoiding her right now.

Part of him wants to tell Mor that it's because today is Feyre's birthday and it's clear Mor didn't do anything to celebrate it. The other part of him wants her to understand what it's like to be completely ignored by someone you care for.

Or used to care for.. In that way.

Azriel's not entirely sure when he stopped caring for her like that.

Maybe it's when he started sleeping with Cassian the first time around though that was a shit show in itself. He knocks back the rest of the drink at the thought. Oh they had their fun. Azriel had never felt lighter or more free than when he was with Cassian but the sneaking around.

He shakes his head, trying to brush off the old aching wounds. He had felt isolated from his family. Cassian had too but he was more sociable so it was easier for him to make up for their random disappearances.

Mor is staring at him expectantly and he belatedly realises that she must have asked him something.


"Sorry?" He quereis, blinking fast for a moment as if he could clear the fog in his brain. Maybe he did have more than six drinks. "Did you say something."

She huffs with something that he knows isn't amusement. "By the Mother Az, are you seriously smashed right now?"

"No." It sounds more like a question to his own ears.

There's a bitter disappointed look in her eyes that has his chest twisting.

"Could you not have waited till we had a chance to greet Rhys," She hissed, jabbing a sharp pink taloned nail against his chest. "It's his first Solstice with us since- since–" She waves her arms around. "Well you know!"


Yeah. Rhys' first solstice since the whole enslavement rape thingy.

He pauses.

Cauldron, he's a shit brother.

Azriel stumbles as he whips around, peering up at the High Lord who seems happy enough laughing away Cassian as they no doubt reminisce about some story from their youth.

"He seems happy enough."

"That's not the point."

"I know."

"Then why the fuck are you drinking so much Az?" She demands, arms crossed and looking pissed. "And don't try to lie to me. We both know that won't end well."

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