18. Conversations between Brothers

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He forgot how easy it was to be in his brother's company. It felt strange at times having been away from them for so long but there seemed to be an understanding between them to stick to the lighter topics during the day and wait until the evening for the heavy talks. They've always been like that but it was different now, there was a hesitancy that wasn't there before.

Especially with the way Cassian keeps looking out the window as if he could see all the way to the human female he's pining after.

"Spit it out then." Rhys sighed, rubbing at his forehead. He knew Cassian wouldn't be able to just move on, his brother always had to go through every emotion and ask every question before he would admit defeat or get bored and move on. "It's about Isabella isn't it."

He tried to keep his tone teasing and light but a muscle rippled in Cassian's jaw and his hands flexed in a way that usually meant he couldn't solve a problem so he was going to punch something instead.

"I think she's my mate."

The confession was deafening. 

Rhys felt himself straighten up, Azriel stiffening beside him as Cassian awkwardly looked anywhere but at them. It would make sense, Rhys thought, it would certainly explain Cassian's previously unfounded obsession. For a moment a flicker of jealousy sparks within him before guilt wipes the thought away. Just because he wished to have a mate and family too didn't mean Cassian didn't deserve to have that as well. Except-

"She's married and human Cassian." Azriel's voice was quiet, hesitant and Cas' eyes closed at his words and Rhys' heart broke for him. If Cas was right and Isabella was his mate then at best he would have maybe 70 good years with her, at worst he could do nothing but watch her have a family and life with someone else. "Are you absolutely sure-"

"I'm fucking sure." He snarls, voice thick. "You think I haven't already thought of all the implications."

"I think your judgement might be clouded."

"Azriel." Rhys snapped, surprised by his brother's words, he'd never heard him be so intentionally cruel to one of the family before. Mercifully, Azriel bobbed his head in apology but Cassian waved him off clearly too conflicted with his own life to consider whatever Azriel is currently dealing with.

"Well... fuck." Rhy mumbled.

"Fuck indeed." Cassian all but wailed scrubbing at his face to no doubt hide his watering eyes. Cas had always felt more acutely than the others. "What the hell do I do?"

"Well it's not like it would be the first time she's cheated on her husband." Rhys muttered and Cassian snarled at him before blinking in surprise. Rhys huffed in mock surprise, doing his best to ease the tension. "Well if there was any doubt she was your mate..."

"She doesn't even know what mates are." Cassian's voice was flat and panic flared in Rhys' chest at hos brother's almost defeated look. Sure he had been jealous but for the Mother's sake Cassian deserved a happy ever after more than any of them. He truly was the most honourable and loyal out of them. Rhys sighed, trying not to think about all the complicated bullshit before saying "Then tell her. Explain it to her. We all agreed that she's not happy in her marriage, she might be content - or think she is - but either way she deserves to know that her soul is quite literally bound to another."

"Maybe don't use the word bound." Azriel muttered to Cassian, bumping his knee with his. "Linked, or joined could work. Bound sounds like kidnapping or trapping."

"But what if that's how she sees the bond. There are a lot of fae who struggle with the concept of mates and they've grown up with the idea of it all their lives." Cassian was in panic mode it seemed. The most fearsome, level headed general, renowned throughout Pyrithian was panicking over a girl. Over his mate, Rhys reminded himself and ignored the bitter taste in his mouth at the thought.

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