44. Conversations of Love

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Isabella had gone quiet as they walked back to the town house. Cassian didn't blame her considering the fact that he was shitting himself. Maybe he should have tried to make it more romantic, more symbolic and date-like but he doubted that would go over well with a female– woman – who so clearly knew little about Fae society and culture.

Of course she had read every book that Rhys sent her. Tiny had certainly inherited his love of literature from his mother. Which only forced Cassian to wonder what he had inherited from his father.

The copper tinged hair apparently.

His chest tightened at the thought. Which is ridiculous because Cassian had told himself he wouldn't step as a father figure for Ollie until Isabella specifically asked him too.

Which is complete bullshit considering he's already prepared to die for the boy but he's trying to be considerate.

Despite the fact that Oliver's parentage both in the sense of biology and adoption had been a topic of great discussion among the inner circle he hadn't actually prepared himself to talk about Oliver's father with Isabella.

They had speculated at first, when they hadn't truly known Isabella. It had been a tidbit of gossip. A curiosity. Then they had stopped out of respect though no one pretended not to be at least curious about the boy's father. There had been a brief period when Azriel had actively hunted Oliver's biological father.

He had chalked it up to some paltry excuse of a security risk. Claiming that Isabella should know where the male resides should she move here. Cassian wasn't whether Azriel meant that Isabella could then avoid her babby-daddy or that she could then move closer to him.

Or move in with him.

Except Cassian was the one she was talking about having a future with.

Which had resulted in no small amount of preening from him. Sure he had told Isabella that he would always be there for her. In turn she had also trusted him, with her secrets and son. But this? This was a concrete step, a future.

Part of him had wondered what the hell he was doing. Two months ago he was partying and sleeping around the majority of Velaris. Two days ago he was looking at nurseries and school districts.

It was both terrifying and exhilarating.

Or it would be exciting once he knows that Isabella accepts the bond. Because she has to at least give it a shot, right? She's talking about moving in together, raising a child together and doing all the things that married humans do.

And marriage is technically the equivalent to mating.

(It's not really but he needs some hope)

Tomas of course doesn't count. Isabella might be married to him but she doesn't want to do married things with him. It was Azriel who read Oliver bedtime stories and it was Cassian who fixed up Isabella's kitchen.


Az who is currently looking paler and paler by the minute. Not that you could really tell but Cassian knows his brother– partner– friend? Oh they really need to define what their relationship is as well.

Hence the conversation.

The one that they all seem to be dreading.

Rhys absolutely picked up on the tension. The male thankfully fucked off though not without raised brows and a concerned look that was undermined by his amused smile. Isabella had quietly murmured about needing to leave within the next 30 minutes so Cassian had quickly led her to the patio chairs they had originally sat in.

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