39. Winter Solstice Part 2

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*:・゚★,。・:*:・The Mandrays*:・゚★,。・:*:・


Mrs Mandray was quietly humming away to herself as the pair began peeling potatoes for dinner. It had been nice having the older woman back. She had come home with a few sweet tarts for Oliver and a glowing disposition. Isabella had tried to pry but the older woman had just waved her off with a soft smile, claiming that the time away with her husband had done them some good.

It was hard to begrudge the woman's happiness, not when she deserved it so much.

The Mandrays didn't celebrate the Winter Solstice on the day of since they would be spending the next day and Winter Solstice building the great pyres for the village. That had left Isabella and Mrs Mandray to prepare a feast for the family today.

Oliver had been fluttering around them, helping to shape the shortbread and half heartedly laying out mats and the good silverware. He had seemed happier since seeing Cassian and the rest of the fae. She hoped that it would mean a smoother transition for the boy when they moved.

"You seem pensive, my dear. Is there something on your mind?" Mrs Mandray's smile was sweet and concerned which only brought a twang of guilt to Isabella's heart.

"Just worried about Ollie." She confessed honestly, trying not to lie to the woman who had taken care of her. "Do you think he is lonely?"

They peered around the kitchen table, watching Oliver play with his toy soldiers and Bat-bat. It was a lovely sight, the warm tones of his skin against the warmth of the fire trapped behind the metal guard. Yet Isabella only found herself focusing on his isolation. On the way he would trott the little wooden horse into the rays of sunlight dancing across the floor.

"I won't lie and say he doesn't need friends, dear." Her gaze was sympathetic and Isabella felt her shoulders curve in. "but you needn't feel guilty about that. He plays with the village children at the market and you've done all you can to try for a family."

Isabella closed her eyes, holding back the tears that threatened to rise. She didn't need another reminder of her failures.

"Oh my dear, I didn't mean to upset you." Mrs Mandray rubbed her hands up the sides of Isabella's arms, warming her up in a mockery of embrace. "The Winter months are always harsh, Tomas knows this. You can't expect your body to support a babe when it's trying to survive winter."

Isabella swallowed, bobbing her head in agreement as she grazed her hand across her stomach. The thick ridges of her scar were present through the material, a bitter reminder of the fae's strength. It was easier to separate the beast that caused her miscarriage from her Cassian. The physical differences made their different breeds so obvious yet she can't deny the ludicrous - or would be ludicrous - fear that once she entered the Fae world she would lose Oliver.

Whether that be to violence or love. Her son would fall in love with the magic and beauty of it all, she knew he would, and a small part of her feared losing him to the allure of the fae realm.

"I know how much you and Tomas want a family," Mrs Mandray prattled on, a warmth in her eyes at the thought of having more grandchildren to dote on. "But you must have patience, my dear, good things come to those who wait."

She smiled, agreeing with the woman if only to get her to stop talking as they finished chopping up the last of the veg. She didn't want any children from Tomas. Part of her wondered if he could even have them but it didn't really matter to her either way. He was still content to try with her though. Sliding his meaty hands along her body at night, making no effort to muffle his groans despite their close proximity to the rest of the family.

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