35. Gossiping Friends

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It was like some alternate reality watching his mate interact with Azriel. They were at ease, so perfectly content with each other that for a moment he felt left out. Or he would have felt that way if there weren't shadows swirling at his feet, the same shadows that were curling around Isabella's shoulder.

That also felt like a dream. He was sitting at a kitchen table that reminded him of his youth, side by side with his mate who was subtly curled into his side while she conversed with one of the few people who also sought a home in heart.

Even the sound of Oliver's gentle snores brought Cassian a sense of peace. Azriel it seemed was also keeping an ear out for the young boy for his face would subtly soften when a shadow would dart down the stairs and curl around his ear.

Wisp it seems was more than just Tiny's best friend.

The thought might have bothered him once upon a time, when he was more insecure and rash. Now it brought only comfort. Azriel was willing to defend his mate. But it was not the protectiveness that Cassian had a problem with. It was the look in Azriel's eyes.

Something slowly began to shift in Cassian at the sight of them together. At the way Azriel's eyes would darken or a rosy blush would spread across Isabella's cheeks. It was torturous wanting to strangle the spymaster during every second of their conversation.

Even now he could feel his rage boiling, his hand clenching uselessly into a fist as Isabella laughed at a joke his now ex-friend told her. It was a futile battle trying to calm himself down, trying to remind himself that Azriel was a friend. It was made harder by the ease at which the two conversed and the tension that had built in the unacknowledged mate bond.

Cassian froze when Azriel's piercing gaze drifted towards him. There was a challenge there, a threat that dared him to say anything in front of Isabella.

So Cassian waited and he admired his mate.

The way her eyes would light up with an open joy. It was a spark new to her eyes and one that he intended to keep there. For even in the quiet moments there was a subtle glow to her, one born of hope and happiness. Cassian prayed that the change had something to do with him even as he watched Azriel make her whole soul light up as they playfully fostered and ribbed each other.

He should have been the only one to see her like this, this open and carefree. This vulnerable in her happiness. It was one thing to share her safety with Azriel, her friendship but to have Azriel make his mate laugh like this, make her blush like this?

A soft tremble began in his hands as the urge to start throwing fist built.

Surprisingly it was his feral instincts that were forcing him to calm down. Screaming that he would only bring fear to Isabella's heart if his rage continued. Which was fucking bullshit considering the magic of the mother and the bond should be well aware of his need to defend his mate from Azriel.

He had no problem with Isabella making her own decisions. She could choose whoever she wanted. But what was not okay was Cassian's own fucking soul brother flirting with her openly in front of him.

Who the hell does he think he is?

What right does he have to interfere with his and Isabella's chance at happiness?

To interfere with Oliver's happiness.

And that was the thought that did it. Because Cassian already loved that boy. Even if things went south with Isabella he had every intention of continuing his care of Tiny. That was not a privilege that Cassian would let Azriel take away from him.

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