45. Cazriel Confessions

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"What the fuck is your problem!" Cassian yelled, flinging his arms out as they slammed into the ground. "One minute you're perfectly happy to flirt with our Isabella and the next you're a Cauldron damn ice wall!"

"You wouldn't understand." Azriel glowered, stalking the length of the small clearing in front of the mountainside cabin.

He doesn't know how long they stand there, in the forest on the mountain side. It had been their place once upon a time. Surrounded by towering pine trees and backed against the Illyrian steppes, it was the perfect split between Velaris and Illyria. There was a small lake an hour's walk away and a village two hours past that.

For a while Cassian just let the memories flow over him. Of bonfires and dancing and days spent in the summer sun. They had a life here. One away from the others and their friends– their family. They trained, played stupid board games, read books and had some of the best sex of his life here.

They were domestic here. This was their getaway. Their little love nest as Morrigan would call it if she ever found out.

Slowly the dying sun bled away to dark skies and heavy clouds. The scent of cold rain slowly permeates the air as Azriel seems to become aware of Cassian once more. It seems the walk down memory lane wasn't just one sided.

A gentle patter of rain fills the silence and their gazes meet. They're doing this then. Cassian sighs, unable to consider backing down after all the drama. No, they have to end this now. Get on the same page so they can tell Isabella the truth. He won't be another male lying to her and he won't allow Azriel to hide in the sand either.

"Having us walk through the 'Harem Neighbourhood' was a nice touch. I had thought you would avoid it but it seems you're all for forcing your views onto others." Azriel drawals and Cassian closes his eyes for a moment, trying to ignore the male before him. So what if he had intentionally spent the day showing Isabella the key points of their culture. It's not like it was his fault mates and Poly relationships were a major cultural difference between the fae and humans. "Putting that cottage on the list was a nice touch though."

Cassian tensed at the bitter tone but he didn't let his doubt show, hardening his voice as he stared down the shadowsinger. "I thought you would appreciate Isabella living so close to your mother."

"No one knows where Adira lives."

"Well I'm not fucking stupid and we were together for over two centuries."

"Were we?" The whispered words were like a knife to Cassian's heart. The defeated look in Azriel's unguarded eyes was worse. "Because I don't recall us ever being a couple. I remember stolen moments, hidden looks and blatant lies."

"Don't blame this all on me."

"Oh I'm not." Azriel scans him from head to toe. "It's both of our faults, we were living in fear."

"We have a chance now." Cassian's voice is hoarse but he holds Azriel's unwavering gaze.

"Isabella would suggest otherwise."

"She would understand."

"She doesn't even know about the matebonds she has."

"And whose fault would that be?" Cassian couldn't help but snarl at his former lover. "You spent the whole time interrogating her."

"Because there was more important information to be sought." He hissed, stepping closer. "Did you not want to know if this Simone–"


"Fucking whatever." Azriel snapped in his face and Cassian's power began to sing. "Did you not want to know if this male would come back for his lover, hmmm? For his child?"

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