51. Unexpected Guests

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He doesn't think he's breathing. Not when he's faced with this nightmare of a scene. It's not a particularly unsettling image but everything surrounding the small frightened boy brings terror to his soul.

Oliver is clearly in shock and if Rhys is honest he thinks he is as well. Though Rhys isn't lucky enough to be bundled up in a thick quilt and protected by an army of shadows that are slowly drifting back to their master now that their job is done.

Azriel has gone silent. Though Rhys wondered if he was ever 'awake' to begin with. It was clear he was battling his own demons at this moment. But there was such darkness in his eyes. For a second Rhys opens his mouth to give an order of some kind, any kind just to get the shadowsinger away from the frightened boy but then his brother is gone. Disappearing into the darkness as he no doubt travels to the mortal realm.

Swearing silently Rhys begins to shuffle forward, praying that Azriel doesn't do anything rash and doesn't find–

Well he can't think like that otherwise he'll end up reducing the human realm to ash.

And as tempting as that may be he already has one war on his hands.

"Oliver." No movement. Not a single indication that he heard him. Rhys' throat bobs nervously. "Can I sit next to you?"

The barest dips of a nod but it has a flicker of relief sparking in his chest.

Oliver barely moves as he gingerly sits down next to him. Every movement is hesitant and unsure. Rhys takes the moments to mind-link with Feyre and Mor and have them set up spare rooms in the town house.

For a minute that feels like an hour they sit in silence. Rhys tries to think of what to ask, knowing he has so many questions yet he can't bear the thought of upsetting Oliver. Not that it seems to matter for the young boy's breath starts coming in heavy gasps, his whole body moving with the force of his panic.

"Hey, hey. Look at me." He slumps down, hands bracing against Ollie's shoulders as he tries to meet his gaze. "You're safe here Ollie. I need you to take a deep breath."

He can't hear him. Eyes glazed over in panic that Rhys begins to feel.

Fuck. What was he supposed to do?

Oliver's cries begin to get louder. Tears streaming down bright red cheeks as he begins to rock forward and backward.

"Oliver!" A panicked voice shouts from somewhere in the house. "Oliver!"

Closer this time. Rhys can't bring himself to care about the confused tone of Cassian's voice when he races into the room, slamming the door open with a resounding bang that shakes the pictures on Azriel's walls.

"Hey." His brother coos, falling to his knees before the young boy. "Oh what are you doing here, Tiny."

Cassian doesn't hesitate to scoop Ollie up into his arms, taking the quilt with him as the young human curls against his chest. Every gentle sway of Cassian's body seems to calm Olvier down and that little pinch of helplessness grows in Rhys' chest.

Why didn't he think to do that?

"It's so good to see you again, Little Man." Cas murmurs against the top of Oliver's head.

"I want Momma!" He blubbers and Cassian does his best to sooth him while Rhys feels his heart break. "She wasn't there!"

"We're going to get her."

"I want her now!" He wails and Rhys flinches at the noise, turning away as his eyes begin to burn. "I don't want her to leave!"

"Your mother isn't going anywhere, we're going to find her and get her back to you."

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