23. Murderous Meetings

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TW: Most of this is just a list of torture methods. Lol. and yes, I had to explain to a friend why there was a google tab open with "torture methods"


Azriel would suggest beginning with psychological torture. An interrogations is always a good way to start apparently, filling the time with blackmail, music torture (he's not sure what that is), threats of permanent or severe disfigurement (he would prefer to actually do that) and then finish off that first session with a long period of isolation to grind them down.

But that's what Azriel would begin with. Cassian isn't sure he has the patience for exploiting phobias, or waiting for sleep deprivation to set in. He could always consider bringing Tomas back to Azriel who most certainly would have the skills and patience for a quick bout of sensory deprivation and sensory overload. But, oh the list of methods is exhausting to think about. For some reason he can hear Azriel in his head talking about white room torture and the long lasting psychological torture of branding.

Except all that Cassian can see as he silently stalks his mate to make sure she gets home safe is Tomas' blood spilling over his hands. He'd start slow, he could be patient with that. Small incisions and the occasional surface level beating. Enough to feel bone break beneath his fists.

He needs to feel it. The physical assurance of something. Anything. If Cassian couldn't have the solid weight of his mate in his arms, reminding him that she's safe and sound; then he guesses that he'll just have to have the solid weight of Tomas' decapitated head in his hands.

What's going on?

Not now. He bats away Rhys' voice in his head.

I can feel you rage from-

I said not now. He snaps, snarling at his brother. Cassian can feel himself snarling, clenching his fists yet he's so trapped in images of disembowelment, crucifixion and skinning Tomas alive that he can hardly see past his blood lust.

Who the hell are you thinking about doing that to. Rhys demands as he no doubt witnesses the graphic image of Blood Eagle torture he was thinking of inflicting on his mate's husband.

Tomas. He eventually grinds out, seeing no point in lying since his brothers may join him in the hunt. I'm going to hunt him down and rip him to shreds.

I told you not to see Isabella if the mate bond would make you-

He beat her. Cassian whispers, surprisingly calm as his rage clears enough to allow him to see Isabella walk back into the den of the beast. She seemed so close to confessing what he did as well but... He tsks, pursing his lips. He's got his claws in deep.

Is she okay? Oliver? Some part of him bristles at Rhys' concern, jealousy flaring but he quickly tramples it down with the knowledge that his family accepts his mate.

Ollie is fine. She's... managing but it could be hell of a lot worse next time.

You know you can't do anything.

Why not?

Because that's her husband who she chose to marry. Even Rhys' sounds doubtful of his own words and Cassian is reminded of the conversation his brother related to him. It feels like a lifetime ago that he was carrying a package for Isabella. Eager to share his culture with her and let her pick a favourite from the small dishes he brought with him.

Rhys drifts to the back of his mind, still watching but remaining quiet as he no doubt senses Cassian's fragile tether on his rage.

Cassian stalks around the side of Isabella's home and the metallic tang of power fills the air as Rhys glamours him from sight. For a moment he just stares through the window. Observing Isabella's tight smile as she greets Mr Mandray and the crushing embrace she wraps Oliver in.

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