42. Afternoon Tea

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Feyre and Rhys were waiting for them in the sunny parlour room. Or rather, outside through the open doors that lead to a garden terrace filled with light. Feyre smiled when she stepped outside, looking up from the piles of paper that she quickly used a cup of tea to weigh down. Though it was not the stunning plants that Isabella found herself blinking in surprise at but rather the iron chairs her fae companions were seated on.

The books Rhys loaned her made no mention of the threat Ash wood or iron posed to Fae, she had assumed that was because it would be common knowledge among them but–

"Oh. Right." Feyre's eyes widen and she rises to her feet, brushing her hands down the side of the pale purple silk gown. "Should have probably told you a lot of the stuff we were originally told about fae was bogus-nonsense."

She could feel Cassian's suddenly uncertain gaze boring into her back. Would this make a difference to her? This reminder of her helplessness against such strength?

Not particularly considering Isabella spent most of her days living in fear and regret but she was starting to enjoy toying with the overprotective fae a little.

Their concern was a nice reminder that they cared about her, so sue her for just testing them a little.

"I won't be able to stay for much longer," She murmured, stepping forward to greet her sister with soft kisses to her cheek. "Oliver and Tomas will be home soon."

"We did our best to narrow down the options for you." Rhys smoothly answered, gracefully offering her a seat at the large table covered in documents and rough sketches. Housing documents Isabella noticed as she flicked through the closest ones to her.

Rhys launched into a lengthy explanation. Apparently he had been going through the practical side of things while Feyre did her best to picture the home and environment Isabella would want. It was sweet of them and Isabella found herself almost overwhelmed by their consideration.

They spent the next hour or so in the secluded garden that looked so different from the ones in the human realm. Winter seemed to touch the plant delicately, as if warded off. Snowdrops and pale blue flowers she recognised from the apothecary book Cassian gifted her seemed to be the only ones in bloom. Nevertheless, the evergreen made up for the lack of colour with their different shapes and sizes.

"What about this one?" Feyre asked and Isabella brought her attention back to the table. "It's near a school district, you would have easy access to local amenities-"

"It's in the busiest section of town." Cassian raised his brows at her sister who frowned in response.

"A residential district where other families and children would reside." She countered and Isabella found herself sharing an exasperated sigh with the Rhys. The pair had continuously argued over the homes available. It had been amusing at first but now she was getting tired and starting to miss Oliver the longer they talked about his options.

"Do the two of you intend to argue over every option I pick?" She grumbles, long past maintaining niceties as Rhys snickers quietly at her irritation. She shoots him a glare and he looks away but there's a soft smirk adorning his lips.

"Moving from the countryside to a city is a big change," Cassian narrowed his eyes at Feyre before turning to Isabella. "We can of course put up enchantments and spells to block out the noise but the view from your window will be different." The whole world will be different but none of them bring that up. "It might be overwhelming at first, stepping outside and finding yourself surrounded."

The look in Cassian's eyes was one of understanding. He knew what it was like to move from the one place you've known your entire life to a whole new environment. From the way his lips pursed and jaw ticked it was clear he was reliving troublesome memories. Experiences he no doubt wanted to spare Isabella and Oliver from.

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