59. Fish Balls

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"Have you had any dinner?" Cassian queries as he bustles around the kitchen already assuming the answer.

Isabella's face pinches. Azriel keeps his gazes narrowed on her scrunched up nose.

"If I say no, will you get upset?"

"If you say no I'll make you dinner."

"Then no."

Cassian nods, squeezing her arms in passing before Azriel swoops in to lead her to a chair at the kitchen table. The shadowsinger gracefully pulls out one of the worn wooden chairs, every bit the gentleman her mother hoped she would marry.

"Should I make a child friendly portion for Ollie?" Cas calls over his shoulder and Isabella's chest warms at the care he shows for her family. "It's not a very spicy dish but I can reduce it further."

"He's alright, tucked away in bed right now."

Azriel's brows furrow with worry, "You two never visited the kitchen."

She's going to ignore the implication that she can't care for her child. Instead she rolls her eyes with a growing fondness.

"The... House, seems to be spoiling us. Or rather him and has been maintaining a steady supply of snacks." She says the last part with a playful glare to the ceiling. A wine glass appears next to her with a soft clink before quickly filling with a dark wine.

"Huh." Both Cassian and Azriel stare at the rapidly filling glass. Cassian's eyebrows are closer to his hairline than eyes. "That's never happened for us."

Two empty wine glasses clink down next to her full one. They don't fill with wine.

"So you have a favourite, I take it." Azriel drawls and a wine bottle thunks down next his hand.

Cassian snorts. "Rhys is going to be so jealous."

Azriel and Isabella share a quick glance while Cassian's back is turned as he hunches over the stove. The shadowsinger busies himself with pouring the wine and Isabella can't help but appreciate the subtle skill of how he pours each drink without spilling a drop and perfectly matching the volume she has in her glass.

"A good bottle as well, nevermind Rhys– Mor will be the one upset." Az comments, raising his glances to gently clink in cheers with Isabella. "Still a strong vintage so pace yourself, I'm not entirely sure how it will affect a human."

"Delightful, I love the threat of hysteria when I have a drink."

Azriel snorts but Cassian turns around in concern. In a second the glass is his hand and he's sniffing at the contents with all the delicacy of a rabid wolf. Isabella wrinkles her nose at the animalistic action.

The male seems to grumble something but makes no further complaint so she hesitantly drinks from the glass. A surprised squeak of approval escapes her as the flavour burst out on her tongue.

Delicious doesn't begin to cover it.

She drinks another mouthful, savouring it for longer before settling back in her chair to watch Cassian cook.

"It's a lot easier to understand your love for him when he's cooking." She muses to Azriel who chokes on his wine. "I'd kill for a man to take on some house chores for once."

"How much have you managed to drink in two seconds?" Azriel demands but Cassian has turned in place to lean back against the side with a smug grin. "I'm going to find you something else to drink."

"Oh hush, I'm not drunk just observing." She waves off the shadows that poke at her, trailing along her arm in an attempt to get her to the lower the glass she had barely even raised. "No– no. I am not Azriel, you don't get to boss me around."

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