33. Fables of the Fae

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"-wasn't a cruel or hagged witch, nor one of alluring beauty that only a siren possessed. There was nothing murderous or charming about this woman. Yet the raw power of her truth, of her actions and words offered her a certain beauty of her own." Cassian narrates to her son, "He found himself confused by the human woman he saw, knowing the depth of her power. The knight had thought he would see the power. Something he could fight and defeat."

Isabella tiptoed into the room. She held her breath, terrified of shattering this peaceful moment as Oliver's eyes began to droop.

"Even the witch's familiar seemed to be different. Mainly in the fact that there wasn't one. No black cat, or snowy owl. Though the knight had glared at a toad he passed on the road. Fearful that the rumours were true. That a witch's familiar was actually a demon able to transform and shapeshift."

"This doesn't seem very child friendly." She whispered when she realised her son was fast asleep. Cassian smiled up at her. He had known she was there the whole time but Isabella appreciated his patience. Unless he was waiting for her to yell at him that is. "Do I even want to know where the story is going?"

Cas turns back to her son, carefully tugging up Oliver's blanket to his chin before rising to his feet.

"It's a Fable about expectations and listening to gossip and rumours." He murmurs, stepping closer to her. "The gallant knight spent his whole life being told he would only be worth something if he could defeat monsters. The witch spent her whole life being described as the monster."

"Do they fall in love by any chance?" Isabella teases and Cassian's low chuckle warms something in her heart.

"No." He states and she's somewhat surprised. "The knight was always looking for a purpose so he ended up swearing loyalty to the witch, acting as her loyal protector and guardian. In return she grants him the ability to shapeshift - to be free in whatever skin he choses."

"He becomes her familiar." Isabella comments. "That's certainly better than the human ones."

"It was Rhys' gift for Oliver." Cassian offers the book to her. It's beautiful. Clearly a bespoke copy with an embossed front on rich leather. The book itself is filled with an elegant script, handwritten, not a print press. No this book had 'o' that looped over themselves and 'Y's with curling tails. Most of the pages were adorned with individual drawings. "I had thought he would want to give it to Tiny himself."

"I kept him busy." She murmured, flicking through the pages. "He's taken Feyre back to Velaris, she was falling asleep on her feet."

Cassian hummed but he never had a good poker face.

"You know."

"I wasn't eavesdropping." He rushes out and she narrows her eyes. "Well... I mean, I kind of was but we are fae-"

"And there was no way for you not to listen." She counters, enjoying how he squirms. It's an effort to hide her amusement.

"Azriel told me not, insisted I give you privacy. He did his best to keep us busy and made lots of noise. And... well, I should have put up a shield-"


"But we're friends. And I'm a curious person, you know I am. I heard Tomas' name and then I got worried so I started listening in. You know I would never hurt. Never. I just wanted to make sure you were safe-


"And well I thought you might be embarrassed or ashamed to tell me if he hurt you. Which should never feel. Ever, no matter what it is. Never be embarrassed to tell me anything. But i thought it might be easier if you didn't have to say the words to my face and-"

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