7. A Dinner to Remember

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We manage to pass the first course in relative peace. Then it went to shit but what did I expect.

"You didn't think to write." Nesta comments as Azriel and Elain are engaged in a comparative discussion of plants. "Or send word that you weren't dead, or check that we were still alive."

"I had other things to deal with." More important things were Feyre's unsaid words and I stiffen, unable to quash my own hurt. I had thought her dead. Did she not understand we mourned her?

"Yes, I'm sure running a great house for a High Lord kept you very busy." Nesta muses, eyes narrowed as Feyre blanches. Of course Nesta would hit where it hurts.

"You seem content to spend your days that way, Isabella is happy to play house." Don't bring me into this, don't bring Tomas and I into this. Especially since I don't miss the way the Fae's attention drops to the silver wedding band on my finger. "Why should I be criticised for doing the same."

My ring seems to shine in the light and I wonder how Feyre could have ever seen it as something other than a shackle.

"What is it that you do now?" My smile quivers a bit as I tuck my hand under the table, hiding the ring from the light. Though the question was directed to my sister it was the High Lord who answered, "Feyre is my Emissary to the Human realms."

"Do all Emissaries wear tiara?" The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them and something cold shines in the Lord's eyes.

"No but she looks so good in them that I couldn't help myself." His voice comes out as a silken purr yet I get the distinct impression that I'm being threatened.

"I'm sure your people are glad to hear that you favour image over political skill." Feyre bristles at Nesta's words, ire burns in her eyes as all four of our Fae guests go still. Predators, how anyone could ever think of them otherwise is a mystery to me.

"I have learnt a great many things since I left." Feyre's words are quiet and low. I take a long drink of water to unsuccessfully hide my snort of amusement. She was with Tamlin and yet now she is with Rhysand and is still oblivious to how he treats her. Its obvious to everyone else that she only got this job because of him.

"What?" Feyre snarls and I raise a brow at my sister, refusing to back down even as she bares her teeth at me. She may be strong but the way Azriel seemed prepared to stop a fight earlier has me thinking she can't hurt us. Hurting us would risk their precious little mission. "Spit it out then, you've always been so keen to judge people."

"Not these days." I murmur, toying with my glass but not dropping her gaze. "These days I'm content to let others make their own mistakes and let them deal with the consequences."

Never again would I seek to sacrifice my whole life for people who do not care for me.

Feyre straightens, "You think I'm making a mistake."

"I think you'll learn." I counter and Rhys snarls. Fear does run down my spine this time.

"Do not condescend her for fighting. Your sister sacrificed everything for me and my people while you sit there having sacrificed nothing, having done nothing for your family."

"You don't know what you're talking about." I breathe and the Lord lets out a cruel laugh that has his companions stiffening.

"Don't I?" His teeth flash as he speaks. "I look at you and all I see is a coward who ran away when things got tough and has now come crawling back when she smelt the money."

Tears well in my eyes but I continue to stare into those star filled eyes, even as they fill with cruel delight at my misery.

"Is that how you portray me sister?" I whisper, the words seeming to echo in the sudden silence. "Is that what you tell people I did when I was a child? That I ran while you so bravely stayed and fought. How you were the hero and I the villain. Is that the childish tales you like to weave?"

My glare is turned to an ashen faced Feyre, but there's something different in her stance. In the way her back is straight and her eyes cold.

"It would explain why you are never at fault, why you can never do anything wrong. Nesta and Isabella were the scheming sisters, Tamlin a treacherous lover and Rhysand a wonderful saviour. All the while innocent Feyre manages to fly by on other people's dime and power."

"That is enough." Cassian's voice is rough commanding, I can practically feel the rage pooling off him.

"Yes." Nesta murmurs, rising to her feet. "That is quite enough. There will be no meeting here, not now or ever. So I will kindly ask you to leave."

"Nesta." Elain pleads but I do nothing but stare at the glass in my hand. The villainous witch. That's who I am now. I wonder if that's how Oliver will see me one day. If he'll look back on his memories with horror instead of fondness.

"I'll take your letters." There's a moment of surprise and I ignore Nesta's furious gaze, choosing to down the last of my water as I rise to my feet. "My sisters stay out of this."

And with that I leave the room.



The dinner is silent once Isabella leaves and something akin to guilt tugs low at my gut. Despite the words she spewed, the taunts and disapproval, there was hurt in her eyes. She was genuinely upset that Feyre never contacted her.

Rhys is seething in his seat, clearly holding Feyre's hand under the table while her lip quivers. Only family can make a few taunts heartbreaking. Logically he can't understand why she agreed to take the letters. She showed no previous signs of guilt, if anything Isabella seemed pissed no one recognised her apparent 'sacrifice'.

They need this to work, the Queens have to come here. The location is perfect and Elain seems to have warmed Nesta up to the idea. No. That's the wrong saying. Elain batted her eyelashes like she did at the servants to get what she wanted.

So why would Isabella agree to take the letters? And have us keep her sisters out of it as well. Especially when she has a human husband. One who gifts her an Iron necklace akin to a chain. Clearly a small token to ward off fae. It was sweet of her to try and hide it beneath her clothes.

The ones that are worn and tattered. Maybe it's money. Rhys and Feyre have made no secret of the Night Court's wealth, they've flaunted it in fact. A pay day to keep her ticking over makes the most sense.

Elain does her best to make polite conversation with Feyre. Azriel occasionally interrupts to keep the talk flowing when the sisters' talk falters. They almost seem civil. Except for the obvious tension in the room that is.

None of the sisters seem to care that Isabella has left. Nesta stared after her the longest but her cold exterior was back in place once more. For a moment I could think she cared, truly cared but no one can remain that cold without sacrificing a few things along the way. Elain though...

I had once thought her innocent and caring but despite my brother's obvious captivation with her lies it's clear she doesn't give two shits about anyone who can't benefit her. I don't think she's doing it intentionally. No she's too.... Demure for that, she doesn't strive for more than comfort.

The way she smiles so prettily, talks to Azriel so perfectly its like one big dove-angel mirage of innocence. No one can be that way without some seriously fucked trauma to block out their emotions. I nearly snort at the thought. Of course the two human sisters, despite being opposites, would have the exact same response to their childhood. Repression at its finest.

Even Feyre loves to avoid tough conversations.

Not Isabella though. No, she was content to call us out when cornered. Similar to Nesta in her mask of happy, joking sister but every wolf has their claws. Unlike her sister's she's more emotionally aware, probably because of her husband. Anyone who would marry for love would understand the other emotion. And anyone who married out of desperation for money would absolutely know how to read their husband's emotions so they can keep them happy.

Gotta keep the cash-cow alive.

If it was really about the money then why is she still with him? Looking at the sisters here, in their obscene finery, with gold plated wallpaper, gilded staircases and embellished woodwork. Looking at Nesta now I can't see it. The way she dotes on Elain, the guilt that probably lurks inside her somewhere.

Why wouldn't she help Isabella?

A/N: I'm going to change the tense of writing to second person 

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