49. Twilight Hours

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Oliver had been so small and fragile in his arms. A precious weight that he relished in holding. Rhys wasn't sure how to convey how grateful he was to Isabella, for trusting him so much, for letting him be a part of Oliver's life.

But that devious woman.

Rhys finds himself chuckling aloud as he slowly walks along the corridor. Of course Isabella managed to trick him. He had admittedly been trying to get her to acknowledge the bond on her own but this certainly felt a step too far.

Even now he could feel panic tinged hysteria crowding in the corners of his mind at what Cassian's reaction might be. And... Azriel's... reaction. Though he wasn't entirely sure if he wanted to know what was going on there.

The townhouse was blissfully quiet for once, though he found himself looking forward to this evening. It had been a long time since he had experienced the Winter Solstice. Even longer since he had done so with his family. It felt like a lifetime.

He felt like a different person.

Though he supposed that his whole family had changed. Cassian was arm's length away from becoming a father and mate for Mother's sake. When in the Cauldron's name did that happen?

The thought threatened to force a hysterical laugh from his throat. Oh how the times had changed. The last time they had the Winter Solstice together Cassian was partying and picking up a girl at Rita's, Morrigan was desperately hiding from Azriel's gaze and Azriel was desperately using Mor to hide something.

Or at least Rhys hoped he was using Mor to hide something. Because if he wasn't that just meant he has spent the last 500 years having his heart continuously broken over and over again. Which would raise questions about not only Azriel's state of mind to chase one female for 500 years but it would also force the question of why Morrigan had allowed this to go on for so long.

Amren was the same as always. It brought comfort to know that someone was still the same as when he left. Even if it was sad to think that she had never changed or grown.

It was a cool night and he found himself wondering if Oliver would be warm enough with the blankets he had piled on top of him. Rhys hadn't meant to start fussing over the young boy but when Elain wasn't immediately in the room he had started copying his mother's old nightly routine.

It had brought back old memories of tucking in his sister at night. He had fond memories of that green bedroom with its glowing hearth and mile high bed. She had certainly been a spoiled princess and her early teen years had truly been a monstrous sight as a result.

So maybe when Elain was not in fact waiting for him in the room and the pure darkness and cold filling the room had reminded him of a place left to his memories he found himself lighting the fireplace and flickering the torches to life.

Oliver had barely stirred but Rhys still remembered holding his breath. Still remembered his hesitant steps as he shuffled through the room that was unsuited to a child. It was clear that Nesta and Isabella had down their best to furnish the room for Ollie but–

But it didn't matter because Isabella had picked out a new house, a new home. They were going to have a new life and Rhys was fully prepared to step into the rich uncle role and spoil that boy rotten.

Azriel seemed eager to do the same.

There was a lightness to his spirit now. Even now as Rhys approached Rita's he could see how much more at ease Azriel. He could also see how close he was to Cassian. The pair of them hadn't been like this in decades and Rhys found himself blinking in surprise.

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