16. Curious Bats

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Once Oliver was set up with some paper and colouring pencils in the sitting room Cassian and Isabella settled into the armchairs by the lit fire. She tried not to flinch at the reminder of last night's conversation, the similarities between their current positions. Cassian too seemed to remember, if the awkward shifting in his chair was any indication.

"Look, I don't want you to take this the wrong way after last night but I got you some things." Cassian seemed nervous and Isabella realised his awkward seating position was so he could hide the large bag behind his legs. "I saw you helping some people on your way into the village... when you posted the letter for us?" Isabella nodded, remembering how she had stopped to help George, a homeless man who had broken his leg some years back. "I got you some things from Vel- the Night Court. Remedies, poultices, bandages and a few books on herbal healing- nothing with magic, I promise."

She gingerly accepted the bag, startling slightly at the weight of. While Isabella slowly riffled through the contents, inspecting each one thoroughly, Cassian seemed to grow more anxious. Tapping his leg, rubbing the back of his neck. It was sweet she decided, fully ignoring the implication that he was trying to help with her own bruises.

"Thank you." She blinked in surprise, when did her voice get thick with tears? When did someone last show this much care, a small voice in the back of her mind countered. "This is really considerate of you. I'm sure I'll make good use of it."

Indeed she would, remedies like this would be invaluable in the winter months. The medication for illness among children is most prominent in her mind. No she wouldn't be sharing all of these. Isabella had sworn an oath to her mentor that she would do no harm and help patients to the best of her abilities - but she had also promised her son to do what was best for him first and foremost.

"I hope they're the right things," There was a prominent blush on Cassian's cheeks. "I wasn't sure if the books and skills in them would be translatable to the human realm."

A quick flick through one of the books confirmed that though there were plants she recognised and some she had even previously used there was also a large number of unknown, bizarre plants that were no doubt only found in Prythian.

"No, no... There are plenty in here that I can use. I'll just hide the more-" She peered down at what appeared to be a weed with glowing red roots. "Peculiar pages hidden."

Cassian chuckled at that.

"There are some unusual things found in my home land. I'll give you that." He conceded and Isabella got the impression that he was thinking of more than just plants. "You should see it sometime, I'm sure Feyre would love for you to visit."

"Feyre who went behind my back and involved our other sisters."

"It was their choice, Isabella." He said somewhat gently and she tried not to dwell on how good it felt to hear her name in Cassian's accent. "You handled the letters, yes, but your sister's want to help as well... Perhaps to make up for what Feyre did in the forest."

"What was there to make up?" Her voice had taken on a sharp note that she wished it hadn't but Cassian had paused where he would have previously challenged. Instead he waited and Isabella took the time to take a steadying breath before continuing. "Feyre hunted but she certainly couldn't cook. Nesta cooked the food, tended the fire, did the laundry, my twin kept the house running but Feyre seems to have forgotten that."

He tilted his head curiously, another reminder of how much closer the fae were closer to animals than humans.

"Elain cared for father, though I'll admit she did little beyond prattle on to him, I cared for Feyre when she was injured, and nursed father through the worst of his sickness. What do we have to make up for?"

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