30. Shadow Friends

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The scent of cooking meat slowly wakes Isabella from her slumber. It's a nice way to wake up for once but she finds herself frowning. Who the hell would be cooking in her home? Isabella can feel her face scrunch up in confusion but a small whimper has her instinctively freezing.

Oliver is snuggled up in her arms. For a moment she just takes him in, scanning his little body for any sign of discomfort before placing the back of her hand on his forehead. His fever seems to be cooling down so she slowly shuffles across the bed. Cradling his head in her palm she lifts him off her arm and onto the pillow.

It's only once she's settled on the side of the bed that Isabella notices the weighted blanket draped over her and Ollie. It's nice, good quality and she tries not to inhale the familiar scent wrapped around it as she tucks it further around Ollie.

It's nice to just fuss over him for a little while. Rearranging the pillows and blanket until she's satisfied that he's warm and snug. Except she's missing something. She knows she is. And Isabella could really do with investigating it before she ventures downstairs to find out how Cassian is faring in her kitchen.

She really hopes it's Cassian and not grandfather Mandray.

After a moment of confusion Isabella pauses at a gentle ruffle from the end of the bed. Her breath catches in her throat at the little shadowy form staring at her. Because it's not at all creepy seeing a little wispy shadow nervously swirling around a bed post.

"Hello." She whispers, feeling foolish but the shadow pauses before continuing its erratic movements faster. Isabella gets the impression that the little creature is excited. She really hopes it's exciting and isn't about to harm her son. "Shouldn't you be with Azriel."

The shadow puffs out for a moment before sinking in on itself, becoming denser and floating onto the bed comforter. That was clearly not the reaction it wanted. Isabella clamps down on her laughter, smothering her mildly hysterical giggles that seem to make Azriel's shadow perk up.

"You're a lot more open than I remember." She comments, seeing no harm talking to the small thing when it's clearly keeping an eye on her for the shadowsinger. "Where is your... master?"

Oh the small thing huffs at that and she doesn't bother to hide her giggles this time.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Your companion then?" That seems to please the small wisp for it- hums?

"Oh." She exclaims, inexplicably excited and the shadow freezes. "You do sing then."

It remains frozen but she gets the impression that it's tilting its head curiously.

"I've only ever heard you titter and buzz. You've never sang before."

"You can hear them?" She flinches back, rattling the bed and the shadow dives under the cover. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."

Azriel seems to be fighting down a wince when she looks up at him. She opens her mouth to apologise, to wave off his concern but then pauses at the small toy in his hands. A smile blooms on her face. A fearsome Fae, shadowsinger and spymaster wearing dark leathers that accentuate the large wings and he's delicately holding a fluffy bat.

He follows her gaze and a soft blush blooms on his cheeks before it's hidden behind his smooth mask. Azriel lifts the toy slightly, offering it out to her. "They said you were looking for this."

"Oliver would have a tantrum if he woke up without it." She answers, accepting the toy. They both pause for a moment when their hands brush and Isabella fights the urge to shiver at the warm touch. Azriel though seems to look away in shame so she smiles softly, trying to show she doesn't mind the scars.

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