38. Winter Solstice Part 1

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In all honesty she had begged Nesta to host this little Winter Solstice get together. The staff had been sent away for the Solstice Week with the view that the sisters would be spending time with their Aunt Ripleigh and their friends.

Obviously it wasn't mentioned that those friends were in fact a certain group of fae.

It was certainly an odd sight, neither party had been willing to sacrifice their actual holiday so they had all opted for a couple days before. Feyre had remained quiet about her birthday but Isabella had still packed her a matching set of handmade gloves and hat.

The gift felt meagre in comparison to what her fae friends would be getting her but Isabella hoped the handmade quality would make up for the lack of money spent. Indeed, everyone seemed to have taken on a casual air for the event. The few presents there were, had been left on a side table and most of the wrapping paper seemed to have been block printed with images of teddy bears so she assumed that everyone had chosen Ollie neutral territory.

Not that she minded and she was sure Ollie would love it when he realised the extra presents he would be getting.

Isabella hoped it would cheer him up. He had seemed out of sorts since the night Tomas came back. She wasn't sure whether it had something to do with what Grandfather Mandray said, if he had overheard Nesta and her talking about moving, or if it was just Tomas' presence.

He seemed better now, sat on her left with Cassian at his other side. The pair had once again set up the toy soldiers as guards for the food. Isabella had debated interrupting them to remind Oliver to finish his food but held off when she realised Cassian's scheme. He had been treating the veg cubes as 'treasure'. He had managed to trick Oliver into stealing the extra carrots and peas off Cassian's plate and eating them in triumph.

She had initially been confused by her son's excited and boastful expression at having managed to eat his least favourite– mushy peas. Then she saw Cassian's expression. It made her heart melt. Ollie was mimicking Cassian's expressions and movements.

Azriel had surprisingly chosen the furthest away seat from her and Ollie though she could swear that his gaze still lingered on them. Not that it really mattered considering he was quite happy to engage in conversation with Mor, Feyre and Elain at the bottom end of the table.

Isabella had been trapped at the other end facing Rhys and Nesta who seemed to be having silent battles of wills every two seconds. Impressively they both managed to maintain this competition while keeping up their polite conversation with one another.

Eventually Oliver's yawns became noticeable and the conversation turned more quiet. Isabella rose to her face, Cassian following as he helped lift Oliver into her arms.

"There we go, Tiny." He murmured, picking up Batbat from where he had fallen. "Don't want to forget this guy."

The conversation paused as everyone said their goodbyes to the boy and Cassian asked once again if she was okay carrying him on her own. In truth she needed a moment to herself, to think through what she needed to ask.

"Can Az read me a story?" Everyone went silent, and not the 'awww' silent it was the 'oh shit' silence and Isabella felt herself stiffen in response.

"I don't know honey." She murmured, trying to keep quiet even if every fae in the room could hear her.

"I'm sure he would love to," Cassian reassured them but Isabella caught his share glare at the male, "Did you bring the book Rhys got you?"

Isabella bobbed him up and down, trying to get a reaction before he got too sleepy, "Like we go anywhere without it."

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