𝟎𝟎𝟎 mucho mistrust, loves gone behind

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mucho mistrust, loves gone behind



Heartbreaker. Oh, dear heartbreaker. Amaya, was a professional at breaking peoples hearts, obviously learnt it from her own mother who abandoned her father including her almost two years ago, though, breaking Chad Meeks- Martin heart wasn't ever in her to do list. He was the first boy she's ever loved since middle school, and losing him was her biggest fear, a fear that was coming to life today.

   Though of course, she really had no other choice. She'd rather have him despise her from this immense lie, and making her look like the complete villain who ruined their relationship than the actual truth. It deeply saddened her that she'd rather much have this lie flooding around than the actual truth that'll have him and everyone view her like some broken glass.

She swore she could hear her own heart pounding, louder and louder. It was the worst feeling ever, a pounding heart that was making her anxiety worst, palms sweating and watery eyes from her crying.

"I slept with someone at some party three months ago," She retorted to him, heart dropping at that unforgivable sentence, "And, now I'm pregnant." Hand wiping her own tears away, yet that didn't seem to work since the tears just kept coming.

God, why was this so much worst than admitting the fucking truth, perhaps due to the fact that she was also in denial. A denial that somehow was easy to swallow, and it made it easier for her to fall asleep, but sometimes that didn't work either for her. Sleeping causes her to dream, and sometimes he appears there in that same mask.

   Chad clenched his jaw. He didn't know how to respond to this sudden confession from Amaya, yet he didn't realize the sadness that flickered in his own eyes before the sadness soon appeared into complete anger. A mixed of emotions were resurfacing all over his body, the girl he loved who would bake him cookies every so often, or even listen to him rant about Pokémon despite not begin a fan of Pokémon had slept with someone, and ended up pregnant.

   "Please say something. . ." She begged him in almost a hushed tone afraid to wake someone up in his home, as his silence was slowly killing her, "Chad?" Eyes attempting to meet his, yet he avoided her stare.

   Chad remained silent until his eyes finally met her's, "What do you me to tell you, huh?" He retorted, his anger ready to peak, "That I forgive you for sleeping with someone else, and gotten yourself knocked up?" He spat at her.

"No. . ." She whispered, chocking up on her own sob, "I, I-" She remained frozen not knowing what else to tell him, she already just about ruined everything.

"I— I you what?" Chad mocked her response that made her tear up more, "Get out of my house, Amaya. Don't ever contact or look for me, I don't ever want to see you." He spat at her, and it hurt him to yell at her and even tell her this, but what she did was worse.

"I'm sorry," Amaya softly whispered hand on his door handle, "And, I'd say it a million times. I'm sorry, Chad." She whispered, as the door slowly creaked opened.

   Chad ignored her apology that he knew meant absolutely nothing to her, "I want all of my shit back tomorrow, Amaya." Referring to every sweatshirt, sweatpants and so on that he has ever given her the past six years, "I'll send Mindy over there to collect it all." He casually told her, eyes throwing daggers at the back of her head.

"Goodbye, Chad." Her voice slowly broke at that two word sentence, and she was just about ready to break apart even more in his own home.

But, this was better than the actual truth.


𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞, hope you liked the prologue. Again , hope this chapter isn't shitty but oh well!!! I don't want to rewrite despite having the urge to do so.

This book will have major twists and
turns. And a lot of angst, anywho Liv does exist in this universe, but isn't romantically involved with Chad since he is still hopelessly in love with Amaya.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐒-𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now