𝟎𝟐𝟑 save your tears, all i see is red

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Chapter twenty three,

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Chapter twenty three,

save your tears, all i see is red


   "Is this even a good plan?" This was possibly the fifth time that Ethan had questioned them all this same fucking question, his hand simply holding onto his backpack gear, walking down the steps behind Amaya and the twins.

   Amaya hade made sure to remain holding Chad's hand, and also maintaining her grip on Mindys hand tightened as well. . . she didn't want to get separated from the twins. She'd go ballistic if something were to occur to either one of them.

   "Then you can leave," Amaya muttered out, twisting her head to glance at Ethan, "You're not even welcomed here, 'cause we don't like you." She reminded him, specifically Mindy or her didn't like Ethan anymore.

   Tara who had agreed with Amaya's statement towards Ethan, "Amaya is right, you don't have to come if you don't want to." She bluntly told him, no emotion held towards Ethan.

   Jill suddenly appeared right beside Chad, speaking directly to Amaya about Ethan's appearance, "What's in this curly heads boy backpack, fucking loser has been holding onto it practically all morning?" Her eyes had simply remained narrowed at the boy behind them.

   Amaya had bit down onto her own tongue, avoiding to even speak to Jill, 'cause she wasn't about to look like a crazy woman speaking to some ghosty serial killer, and also considering the fact that she hasn't even told Chad that she has been seeing her 'Aunt' Jill Roberts.

   Well, fuck me!

   Ethan who simply sighed in frustration, speaking again, "So, we just peal off, and the killer kills us one by one? No, thank you!" He had commented it with a sound of sarcasm.

Amaya who had ultimately gotten irritated by his stupid antics, and accidentally letting go of Mindy's, "Stop whining, dipshit!" Flicking him off in the end, as Chad has squeezed her hand to quit the arguments right now.

   Samantha who just happened to intervene the argument between the three, "Let's just get to the movie theater." She sighed, frustrated already, "Come on!" She yelled out.

   Chad who had suddenly made sure Amaya was in front of him, hand still intertwined with hers, so they wouldn't get lost, spoke, "Ah, yes. Because it'd be much less scarier than a movie theater." He bluntly stated.

   It was then that too many people were simply shoving, and bumping against them, as it was simply getting difficult to even remain together with the group. Unlike Chad who was simply making sure that Amaya had gotten into the train before him, as he had simply got right inside after her, it wasn't until Amaya who had shifted her head.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐒-𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now