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Chapter eleven,

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Chapter eleven,

don't forget about date night



Amaya had been in the track team, she had joined last year. Sophomore year, so it's safe to say Junior year will be her second year in the track team. A part of her was extremely exhausted with the running at times, but her boyfriend had ultimately convinced her that running can help her with the amount of anxiety she has going on, and anytime she feels stressed. And, he was right all the running had given her this sense of rush, and it felt really good.

Turning towards the bench, and ultimately stood in front of the bench with her back not facing her teammates. Grabbing her cold water bottle, and opening her water cap to taking a large gulps of her water, as she had felt her body sweating, but the cold water was helping her from the warmth that was radiating in her entire body.

   Her breath had hitched when she had suddenly felt a sweaty body pressed against her back, arms wrapping around her body, face hiding inside her neck and mumbling against her skin, "I've missed you, Maya." She heard Chad softly mumbling, planting soft kisses against her neck, that had left Amaya slightly laughing, her hands softly running up and down his arms.

   Amaya softly stated, "You've seen me a couple hours ago in our last class." She had lightly teased him.

Chad nodded his head, "I know, but that was long ago," He playfully reminded her, "And, you can't blame me for wanting to check up on my beautiful girlfriend even though she's sweating." He teased her, as Amaya lightly gasped at him.

"And you aren't sweating?" She tilted her head that had ultimately made him pull away from her neck, his arms were still wrapped around her body, as she had been narrowing her eyes at him slightly offended, "You're lucky that you're cute, 'cause I would've kicked your ass for hugging me and being sweaty as well!" She pointed her finger at him.

Chad playfully smiled at her, "I'd like to see you try, and kick my ass." He teased her before his eyes widened, "You still haven't forgotten about date night?" He questioned her, all while Amaya decided to tease him, and pretending she had forgotten about date night.

   "That was tonight?"

   Chad felt himself beginning to panic on the inside that she forgot, "You forgot about date night?" He was flabbergasted before he spoke up, again, "I– It's okay, we can always do it next weekend if you want?" He had simply recommended, he wouldn't pressure her or anything. Even so, if they don't go to their usual place, he didn't mind spending it at her house involving movies, and her baking cookies or something.

Amaya had lightly laughed, and instantly shaking her head before speaking to him, "I do remember, I was just playing around with you." She had teased him when she seen his eyes widened, and him sighing in ultimate relief, of course she wouldn't forget about their date night, as she was the one who planned this weeks date.

Chad playfully narrowed his eyes at her, "That was really mean." He pointed his finger accusingly her.

"Oh, please. You like it when I get mean to you." She had quickly added.

   "That's true, very true."

   Amaya had let out a laugh, her eyes lightly shimmered when she had glanced at his eyes, as they had made eye contact. It was quiet for a moment, but it wasn't you know that awkward quiet at all. It was that quiet where they both felt comfortable within each-others presence, and where they didn't need to constantly speak to each other to make things less awkward. They were each other's comfort, and both felt at home when they were together.

   Chad was the first one to break the silence, casually speaking, "What time do you want me to pick you up tonight?" He asked her.

   "Does nine sound good?" She furrowed her eyebrows, "I don't know we can get breakfast food for Dinner tonight?" Pancakes sounded really good tonight, and much more better to eat.

   Chad nodded his head, "Nine sounds good, and let me guess you're craving pancakes?" He eyed her in amusement. With her cheeks that tinted a light pink.

   Amaya nodded her head, "Duh! Pancakes always sound good to eat." A loud honk was heard, and she noticed that it was her Padrino who had came to pick her up, as her father had went to work today, and had taken the car today, so she had to have someone drive her around today, "I'll see you tonight?" Amaya raised her eyebrow at him.

   "See you tonight." Chad smiled down at his girlfriend, as she had simply smiled at him, "I'm gonna just change my clothes really quick, and just hit the shower at home." He casually spoke to her, he just needed to change himself, as his clothes were in his gym locker room, and he can shower at home which is much more better than showering at school.

Amaya nodded her head, "Okay, smelly."

He instantly laughed at her small joke, and just before she can easily step away from him and preparing for her leave, he gently pulled her arm, and pulling her closer to him. His eyes simply glancing down at her lips just as she did the same, his arms immediately wrapping around her body just as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and felt his soft lips against her lips, a smile appearing on her face, as she kissed him. She could feel so many butterflies resurfacing inside her stomach, and she quite enjoyed the kiss.

They both pulled away from the kiss, a smile appeared on both of their faces, "I love you." He softly told her, hands pressing both of her cheeks, as he also softly planted a kiss on her forehead that made her smile more.

"I love you too."

   Chad had watched his girlfriend running towards the car, as they were too busy in their own worlds, that they hadn't noticed someone was watching them behind the bleachers before vanishing.


𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞, They'll be more bonus chapters, but that's not until act two. I'll give in a couple bonus chapters there.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐒-𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now