𝟎𝟏𝟑 sex discussions with a therapist

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Chapter thirteen

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Chapter thirteen

sex discussions with a therapist


"How are you feeling today, Amaya?" Dr. Bennett, had questioned her, sitting across from Amaya with her legs crossed, a notepad in one hand with a pen in another hand.

It has been nearly two years since she was assaulted, as also tomorrow marks one year since the attacks in Woodsboro. It was pretty surreal on how time flies really quickly.

"I feel pretty great," Amaya had simply nodded her head, "The nightmares don't come as often as they used to come." She answered her therapist sincerely.

It has almost been two months since she's even had a nightmare about her assault that ultimately awakens her from her sleep, afraid he'd show up there, again. 'Cause the amount of nightmares she'd constantly get before was almost fucking insane, and always awakening her boyfriend from his sleep, or there'd be moments she'd call him to come over to her house, hysterically in tears. She felt really bad making him leave his dorm, despite having a schedule made when he would spend his nights at her house. But, she including Paloma always felt safe with his presence.

"That's good, really good." Dr. Bennett had smiled at her patient, "How's your relationship with your father been?" Part of her therapy was also discussing her relationship with her father, that had slowly crumbled almost three years ago, and has been getting better within time.

Amaya smiled, "I think it's getting better, I don't get mad at him anymore." Amaya slowly revealed, "But, I now realize I had no true reasoning into being angry with him." She had confessed, "I was so upset 'cause of my assault that I blamed almost everyone, myself and had ruined so many relationships." Eyes simply roamed to her feet, anxiously revealing that.

   Dr. Bennett had nodded her head in understanding of what her patient revealed , and trying to find the words on how to say this, "But, you do realize that this isn't your fault, and it's okay to be upset in the moment with people, or even yourself, but in the end. . . you have to learn to forgive yourself, Amaya." Dr. Bennett spoke sincerely, "Because, the more you find a way to blame yourself, you end up doing far more damage to yourself than you even realize, Amaya." Dr. Bennett retorted.

   Amaya suddenly felt a few tears slipping down her eyes, "I know, but I just feel so disgusted at myself in times," Amaya had softly spoke, a few tears landing on her pants instantly using her hands to wipe her own tears away, "I'm – I can't even have sex with my boyfriend anymore without feeling myself to suddenly panic on the inside, that sometimes when his hands touch my bare skin, I don't feel his anymore 'cause my head fucks around with reality." She pointed her finger to her head.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐒-𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now