𝟎𝟎𝟒 minor concussion, revisiting old wounds

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Chapter four,

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Chapter four,

minor concussion, revisiting old


   "It's just a minor concussion," Dr. Brown had ultimately retorted after checking the board in her hand, and when she attended Amaya to see her symptoms, and how she was reacting.

   "Nothing thats to the extreme, that can cause I don't know immense bleeding?" Amaya asked worriedly, her hand gripping onto the ice pack while laying it gently to the back of her head, and attempting to ignore her stitches that were on her arms from the two slashes she received not too long ago.

   Her eyes quickly wandered towards Chad who was sitting in one of the chairs with her baby in his arms, sound asleep. That was odd considering it takes her daughter an hour to fall asleep, and was surprised that she knocked out in Chad's arms. Though, she couldn't help, but to simply frown when thoughts began to swirl around her head, that not only was she a target tonight, but so was her daughter. It was when she had realized what else was said in that phone call, he met her a year ago. What the fuck does that mean?

   She ultimately gotten interrupted when the doctor spoke to her, again, "Amaya? are you okay?" She questioned her worriedly at how she was getting zoned out for quite some time now.

"Hmm, yeah, yeah," Amaya mumbled out, eyes slightly closing just as they reopened, "I'm just really tired." She yawned out, slightly wincing in pain, that despite being given some medication for the pain, her head still felt like it was buzzing in complete pain, "Uhm, Paloma is okay, right?" She asked her for the fifth time since she was in the room.

"Yes, she's okay. You kept her safe." Doctor. Brown had easily reassured her, again. Amaya simply nodded her head accepting that statement from her, she was quite frightened that her daughter had gotten harmed from the impact, but she vividly remembers holding her daughter securely with her arms, specifically protecting her head, all while she had been the one who delivered the harsh shove against the wall from Ghostface.

"Do you have anyone who can take you both home?" She had questioned Amaya, "It's not safe for you to drive after tonight's events." She questioned in concern.

"I, uhm, I can call Dewey?" She hesitantly said, pulling out her phone and noticed that her phone was dead, "Oh, it's uhm. Dead." She simply responded, she simply exhaled in frustration.

Just as the doctor was about to pull out her cellphone, someone had ultimately decided to speak up.

"I can take them home," Chad offered, he knew this would be awkward, but he much rather watch them get back home safely and not end up harmed by a killer in a stupid mask, "I don't mind taking them home." He had quickly glanced his eyes towards Amaya who's eyes were wide, though he didn't want to move as much considering he had a baby in his arms.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐒-𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now