𝟎𝟎𝟐 ghostface back in woodsboro?

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Chapter two,

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Chapter two,

ghostface back in woodsboro?


"Attention, Panthers. A reminder that all classes and school activities are canceled tomorrow due to public safety concerns."

  Amaya walked down a long path out of her high school campus as classes were cut short today, hands griping on her backpack gear loops in complete nervousness, her head remained down, ignoring all the whispers surrounding her name and simply reminding her of last years gossip that somehow people were all still concerned on about, a shaky breath escaping her lips, as she couldn't help, but quicken her steps.

   Surely, enough she assumed that this would remain old news by now, and no one would simply give in attention to it anymore, but yet this was teenage gossip. And of course, kids would eat this gossip up. She became the main talk about in Woodsborro, California.

   It was why she found it really odd when she had received a sudden urgent text message from Wes Hicks, and wanting her to go by the benches. Though, her breath slightly hitched when she moved her head upward, and noticed that he was there, Chad was there. Though, of course, he would be.

   This was where her paranoia began to kick in, counting her fingers, perhaps she could easily ditch whatever this is, and drive herself away, and pick up her baby from the person she usually drops her off with and call it a day, but it had already been too fucking late. Wes Hicks, eyes had landed on her and waved at her direction to approach them.

   A sigh, had escaped her lips. Fuck it.

   "Look who decided to show up," Amber retorted, a sarcastic smile was plastered on her lips, "Our favorite teen mom." She commented, eyes quickly glancing at the two ex-lovers in hopes she gotten under their skin, and she did.

   "Shut up, Amber." Amaya threw daggers at her, she felt her hand clench before releasing her clenched fist, and easily calming herself down, "What's with the urgent message you sent me?" Eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

   "You didn't hear?" Wes tilted his head watching the confusion written all over her face, as she doesn't really know what's going on, "Tara got attacked last night, and the press is saying Ghostface is back." He ripped everything out like a bandage.

   Amaya's heart sinked to the pit of her stomach, as she heard that Tara had gotten attacked last night. And with the fact that Ghostface might be possibly back again, it'll be hard to remain safe in her small town Woodsberro for herself and child, it was just like eleven years ago when Jill Roberts and Charlie Walker were revealed to be Ghostface, and killing their high-school friends for the possibility of fame ( Jill Roberts ), as one of them had ultimately been responsible on the death of her nanny, Marnie Cooper. God, she fucking missed her so much.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐒-𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now