𝟎𝟏𝟒 i fucking hate red slushies

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chapter fourteen,

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chapter fourteen,

i fucking hate red slushies


   Amaya couldn't really remember the last time she's ever been to a party, ever since she was assaulted leaving the library two years, she has never felt safe anywhere. But, despite it she was giving this party a shot, and wanting a fun night with her boyfriend and friends. 'Cause you can't keep living in the past, you have to keep moving forward in life and just live life.

Liv told her that one time. . . live life.

She'd just about finished applying glitter around her breast with some brush she bought 'cause she did not want to have glitter all over fingers, before glancing at the mirror one last time, and applying lipgloss.

She heard her father yell out for from down the hall, "Amaya, hurry up." He simply stated before speaking up, again, "Tara's been waiting here for twenty minutes!" He finished.

   "And you're just telling me now?"

   "I forgot she was here, 'cause she's so quiet."

   Amaya had quickly looked around for any shoes to wear. Of course, she'd be the one to forget to buy shoes for something, and now she's stuck wearing some old shoes. Her eyes gleamed in excitement when she found her black converse, and lucky for her they weren't dirty like the rest of her shoes. She had quickly attempting to put them on, all while forgetting to tie up her shoes, fuck it! She can always tie them up at the party.

   Amaya ran towards the living room where she seen Tara who was dressed as some pirate, and playing with Paloma before her eyes had widened when she seen Amaya, "Holy shit – You look great!" Tara had complimented.

   Amaya felt her cheeks tint a light pink, "Thanks, so do you captain!" Amaya had fake saluted her which had made Tara shake her head in amusement.

   Just then she seen her father walk into the living room, "Ah, there you are." He had glanced at his daughter, "Okay, rules. Don't take any drinks from strangers, don't accept any invitations from anyone, and stick with Chad and your friends." He pointed his finger at his daughter, as Amaya nodded her head in ultimate understanding.

   "Understood. Oh, and speaking about rules, Dad. Please don't be letting Paloma be up late, again." She had given her dad a lip tight smile, "Because last time she was giving Chad and I such a hard time putting her to bed." Amaya retorted. A couple months ago they had no idea that Paloma went to sleep so late that the next following night, she was throwing a huge fit about sleeping early like she usually does, and simply crying in pure frustration that was frustrating Chad and Amaya. And, to make things just a little worse they had school the following morning, and their almost two year angry daughter wasn't letting them sleep.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐒-𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now