𝟎𝟎𝟕 choose who dies, and who lives?

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Chapter seven,

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Chapter seven,

choose who dies, and who lives?


"What the fuck happened, Dani?"

Amaya had barely been home for an hour after she had left the Meek's home, only to receive a frantic call from Daniela who was in the hospital, as she had apparently fell down the top of her stairs, and twisting her leg. It was completely insane, especially considering how Daniela was vague about her fall.

   "Okay — Well get this, it's actually a funny story," She began to compromise, slightly getting distracted from Paloma who was teething on one of her toys before getting back on track, "Apparently, there was an intruder inside my home, he had like a black ski mask, black sweatshirt and basically black clothing." She began to quickly describe to Amaya.

   Amaya who had suddenly gotten herself inside a trance at what she described, the way she was describing this intruder was almost like a description to the person who assaulted her a year ago, but it was probably coincidence. Intruders always wear a type of ski mask to cover their face, or something. Whatever, she was assuming was all inside her head, it was just assumptions.

   Perhaps, not.

   Amaya had quickly shrugged her own thoughts away, and focused her attention back towards Daniela, "So, you were attacked by some intruder, and told the police that you fell 'cause you're a klutz?" She basically raised her eyebrow, cradling her baby and letting this information sink in, "Dani? seriously, what if this Intruder comes back to finish the job?" She had rhetorically questioned her friend. It was clear common sense that when some criminal attempts to murder someone, and they fail the first time, they'd eventually come back to finish the job.

Daniela had simply shrugged her shoulders, her left leg remained on top of the pillow for comfort since it still hurt to move, "Well — I do hope he comes back when my leg is not in a cast anymore, and I'm not walking around in crutches no more." She had lightly joked to Amaya, already sighing in slightly annoyance that her parents will have to pay for physical therapy. Oh, great. She wasn't looking forward for physical therapy when it would be time.

   Amaya who let out a laugh at her joke, casually responded, "Making plans for an attack that hasn't even happened, and will never happen." She simply retorted, and reassuring her friend that she'd never get attacked by anyone.

   Daniela simply nodded her head with a smile plastered on her face, "True! Enough, about my imagination to escape an intruder, but want to order some ice cream?" She licked her lips, excitedly. Holding the hospital food menu in her hand, waving it in front of Amaya's face.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐒-𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now