𝟎𝟎𝟗 a sense of betrayal

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Chapter nine,

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Chapter nine,

a sense of betrayal


   Amaya parked her car on the side of the street of Amber Freeman's home, it had quite seemed that the party ended already. It had taken her quite awhile for her to even get here 'cause of the stop she had made on the way over here, she wasn't about to walk in here unprepared.

   Her phone buzzed, quickly pulling out her cellphone and noticing it was her father calling her, she clicked answer putting the phone against her here, "Hello?" She questioned her dad hesitantly, wondering why he was calling her.

   "Amaya! Where are you?" Lorenzo yelled out to his daughter, through the phone, he had been on the road with Sydney Prescott and Gale Weathers on there way over here after realizing that this was a set up.

"Don't be mad," She began speaking, "But I got a call from Ghostface that he was here, and threatening to hurt Chad, so I came over here!" She quickly added.

Instead of hearing her fathers voice she heard her Aunt Sydney's voice, "It's a set up, Amaya. You need to get the fuck out of that house, it's too risky to be alone!" She told her niece, it was the same memo that she had told Samantha Carpenter.

"Set up or not. I'm not risking losing another person in my life — who was in my life!" Chad was too important for her, that if he were to end up dead, she'd lose it. Despite breaking up with him about a year ago, she has never talked or fallen in love with another man. Morally, so 'cause of her fears, and not wanting to be touched by a man, "I – I have to go." She hung the phone up, and shoving it inside her jean pocket.

She stepped into view of the home, porch lights and the inside of the house lights were still on. She had been holding onto a gun that was on her other hand, as she had simply heard grunting going on to her left side, she slowly headed that direction, raising both of her hands while she begin to hold the gun, and remembering how her Godfather had taught her how to shoot and hold a gun, she suddenly felt her hands beginning to shake, but she ultimately dropped her hands with the gun down, and noticing it was just Chad who was grunting in pain, blood all over him.

   "Oh my god." Amaya cried out running towards Chad and bending down to his level, turning him over, his eyes widened when he seen her.

   "Maya?" He whispered, grunting in pain. A part of him felt as if this was a hallucination going on since he had gotten stabbed multiple times, but then remembered something, "You told me to meet you here. . ." He sounded almost confused when he questioned her this. He received a message earlier from her on how she wanted to tell him something important, and to meet him outside.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐒-𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now