𝟎𝟐𝟐 i see dead people, stop being a pussy

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chapter twenty two,

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chapter twenty two,

i see dead people, stop being a pussy

( Amaya has officially snapped )


   "You interfere with the game by alerting any type of police enforcement, including Kirby Reeds, I'll gladly gut your baby up, and return what'll be left of her in a box."

   This was the only thing that was echoing inside of their heads after Chad answered his phone, a message from Ghostface. This had ultimately left the two in complete distraught, red blood shot eyes from all the crying they have done, as now the two and including the entire group were all waiting to know if her father, and Gale Weathers were alright after the incident.

Not only was their daughter kidnapped, but Gale and Lorenzo were in a matter of life and death situation right now.

It was then that two cops had found the entire group all sitting in the chairs, and simply walking their direction, a small cough was then simply heard, "Is there an Amaya and Chad here?" Both had glanced around, it was then that Chad quickly moved his head away from Amaya's shoulder, his hand remaining on her thigh.

   "That'd be us." Chad had retorted, his voice sounding extremely shaky, and almost felt like he was about to break apart, 'cause they couldn't tell the police. . . they couldn't risk for Paloma into ending up harmed.

   Amaya remained in a state of distress, and disoriented. Why did they take their baby? She was innocent? WHY HER? She felt like a part of her was dying on the inside.

   One of the cops had quickly took his notepad out, "We can issue out an amber alert, we would also need a photo of how your daughter looks like. . . so, it'd be easy to find her." He had simply told the two.

   Mindy who quickly interrupted, "Amber alerts never work, look at how many missing children there are," She had shot back in pure venom, and it was truthful. So, many amber alerts for missing children, yet hardly are even found, "They always end up —"

It was then that Amaya had interrupted whatever Mindy could possibly say 'cause it was just causing her more stress, "Shut up, Mindy!" She had just about officially snapped that had made Mindy ultimately stop speaking from Amaya's sudden outburst, "I don't want an amber alert issued out on her, we should've never fucking told you that our daughter is missing." She had sneered at the police men in pure venom who were both shocked at her out burst as well.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐒-𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now