𝟎𝟐𝟔 aftermath, happily ever afters

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Chapter twenty six,

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Chapter twenty six,

aftermath, happily ever afters


two weeks later

"Dinguses, wake up!"

A loud banging was suddenly heard that had startled Amaya and Chad who were curled up underneath the two blankets that was on Amaya's bed, his arms that were just simply hugging her waist and his face that was hiding in between her hair 'cause they were beyond comfortable in bed, simply tangled up in the sheets together.

He could feel the warmth of her skin that was pressed against his skin, his cheeks that were tinting red 'cause he was remembering of last night activities.

Amaya who had softly spoken, "It's so early, though." She practically whined, slowly turning herself around to face Chad who had a smile on his face and his cheeks that were pink, "You're blushing, why are you blushing?" She playfully narrowed her eyes at him.

Chad who had playfully thought about the question, slowly answering her, "Oh, I don't really know maybe it's 'cause, I have the best girlfriend. Who I love very so much." He had teasingly told her, "And, 'cause of last night." He brushed his nose against her nose.

   Her cheeks tinted a light pink, "W-was it good? I'm not sure if I did great, or if I pleased you enough?" She softly rambled, nervously. Her eyes that were searching for his to find any sense of reassurance. Her biggest fear was not being that good in sex anymore, 'cause despite this being a huge step in her life, it still felt like an accomplishment for her.

   Having sex with her boyfriend without having any type of episodes, and trembling in fear. She was proud that she didn't have an episode last night.

   Chad who softly placed his hand against her cheek, softly soothing it, as a smile was playing on his lips, "It was absolutely perfect, Maya." He softly answered her, kissing the tip of her nose, "You don't need to worry about me, or if I was pleasured enough. 'Cause I'm already happy enough knowing that you felt pleasured last night, and safe." He had reassured her, softly kissing her lips before pulling away.

   "But, I'm asking you if you had a great time last night?" She softly whispered back to him, concern written all over her face, "We could always try, again. . . tonight?" She had laid her hand on his arm, caressing his skin.

   He had gently placed his lips against her ear, softly whispering to her, "Oh, yeah. I quite liked it when you were riding me." He smirked against her ear, "And when you–" Amaya had quickly interrupted him.

"Oh my god, Chad!" She lightly whispered back to him, shushing him by kissing him on the lips, as he softly chuckled at her, "What? you asked me, and I answered." He winked at her.

She shook her head in complete amusement before she twisted her head back to glance at him, smiles on both of their faces.

"I love you." Both said in unison.

   Their little moment was interrupted with Mindy, again banging the door, "Quit having sex, or whatever it is that you two dinguses are doing in there, and come out and eat. Lorenzo made chilaquiles, rice and beans!" Mindy had simply yelled out to them, "And, everyone should be getting here soon. Oh, and Paloma's awake already, but she's still laying in her bed, though." Mindy quickly retorted, as they heard her steps quickly vanishing away from the doorframe.

   The two rubbed their eyes, removing the blankets from their bodies as they both stood up, Amaya's eyes widened when she felt her legs feeling wobbly, and slightly wincing. Her, eyes simply meeting her boyfriend who had a smirk on his face.

   "Don't you dare say anything."

    his hands going up in surrender as he had attempted to hold back his smile, but somehow he couldn't hold it in, as they had both quickly gotten dressed before entering their daughters room to get her dressed, and all three joining everyone else so they can eat together.

   'Cause they were all a family. Until, forever.


𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞, you've reached the end of Amaya's and Chads book!

Who said anything about them using protection.

I chose to write this title for this chapter, 'cause if a scream seven comes out. I know the first title for that chapter. Until further notice this book is completed if a seven comes out, I'll switch this to ongoing, again.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐒-𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now