𝟎𝟐𝟏 missing someone, where is she!?

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Chapter twenty one,

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Chapter twenty one,

missing someone, where is she!?


    "He's not answering the fucking phone," Amaya had felt her heart thumping really quick to the point it felt like her heart can fall off her chest, "Pick up the phone, dad!" Amaya had clenched her fist together.

   Again, it reached his voicemail inbox.

   Same with Chad who was calling Gale Weathers through his phone, and it would only reach her voicemail inbox.

   It was driving them insane that none of the two were picking up the fucking phone.

   "Neither is Gale picking up the phone," Chad had called out in frustration, he was fucking anxious just as much as Amaya was that their daughter was already in danger, "Fuck! Fuck!" He had simply clenched his fist, and banging it against the cop car window.

   Instantly making Tara and Samantha jump.

   "I know this is difficult, but we're going to make it," Samantha had attempted to reassure them, "Inhale and exhale." She glanced at them threw the rear mirror.

   Amaya and Chad scoffed.

   "Our daughter is in fucking danger," Chad simply clenched his jaw, "How the fuck can we calm down when no one is picking up the phone over there!" He yelled at Samantha, his hand that was simply finding Amaya's hand, intertwining their hands together, as a little reminder that he was simply here, and that she wasn't alone.

   "And we underst—"

   Amaya had interrupted Tara, "Both of you just shut the fuck up! You two don't have a kid, so no you don't get it. . ." Amaya spat in anger and frustration, "You don't understand what we're feeling right now, so please just drive." Amaya had softly whispered, tears now flowing down her eyes, 'cause all she wanted to do was get to her baby.

   The people inside the car immediately went silent after this entire argument, only leaving Samantha to continue her drive much more faster than before.

Would It be too late by the time they arrive?


Lorenzo had been in Gale Weathers kitchen, glancing inside the fridge until he found some chicken inside there, "Does Arroz con pollo, and beans sound good to eat?" He had twisted his head to glance at Gale who was simply typing in her computer, also watching Paloma who was in front of her just laying down on the floor in her blanket, and surrounded by her toys.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐒-𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now