𝟎𝟐𝟎 hello, lorenzo. we've got catching up to do!

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chapter twenty,

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chapter twenty,

hello, lorenzo. We've got catching up do!


"We're going to head over to Gale's tonight just please be safe with whatever you are all planning tonight, and tell Mindy that I'm sorry about Anika."

The sound of her dads voice had echoed inside her head, swallowing down her saliva down thickly. All while, she was fiddling with her own fingers. Nervously, and also squirming around Chads lap as that had ultimately left him to accidentally let out a groan, that made him wrap his arms around her waist to keep her still.

   Mindy who had simply gagged at the two who were close by her, "Ugh, gross. We're all in a van with you two. So, please keep whatever this is PG. . ." She had muttered, "I don't think Paloma needs another sibling." She simply muttered.

   Ethan who opened his cheeto bag.

   Munching on chips.

   Amaya who had scoffed, "Haha – so funny." She had sarcastically smiled at Mindy, "Let her turn three years old, and I'll consider it." She had leant back, and simply felt Chad whisper in her ear.

   He knew that Maya was extremely nervous, covering it with a simple joke, "Are you okay? If this is about Paloma and Lorenzo's safety we can always go to your house, and check up on them." He informed her.

   She shook her head, "It's – I'm okay. . . and, I just don't want to risk putting them in danger if we go over there," She had swallowed down her saliva 'cause she was extremely nervous, "It's just best if we remain a really good far distance from Paloma until Ghostface is officially gone. I don't want a repeat of last years events when I was with her, and getting chased by Ghostface in the hospital, she's safe with my dad." Amaya had rambled on about. Simply, trusting her gut that both were safe.

   Chad who had simply nodded his head in agreement, it was much more safer being away from their daughter 'cause right now they didn't want to risk anything, "Yeah. . . i think it's better if we stay away from her just for now, we can make it up for her afterwards," He had sadly mumbled against her ear.

All while Mindy and Ethan were having an argument over something, and Kirby speaking with Samantha outside the van.

Amaya who just simply turned her head to glance at Chad, pecking his lips quickly before softly mumbling to him, eyes slightly glancing at Mindy and Ethan making sure they weren't listening in the conversation, "And, I'm being serious about once Paloma is three, but only if you're okay with it." She cheekily smiled at him.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐒-𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now