𝟎𝟏𝟐 kiss my ass woodsboro

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Chapter twelve,

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Chapter twelve,

kiss my ass woodsboro


"Take good care of my kids, Enzo." Martha had casually scowled Lorenzo, a friend of her deceased brother, yet she still considered him family.

   "Yes, Martha. I will take care of them." Lorenzo had nodded his head since he's been hearing this from her for almost two weeks, all while he was putting in some more of the luggages in the back of his truck, just as they had both heard the kids, and Paloma who was blabbering about something not making sense, slowly approaching them.

   Amaya was the first to speak up, "Sam and Tara just arrived to New York," She spoke to her dad, with Paloma in her arms who was playing with Chad's fingers, and laughing at the faces her dad was making at her, "Apparently, Sam had made some little website in search for some roommate." New York is an extremely expensive place to live in, so a roommate does sound good to help pay with the bills, but let's just hope they don't land with those lazy roommates who trash up the place, and are dirty people. Gross.

   Lorenzo tilted his head, "Hmm, sounds quite dangerous to do, but also kinda smart. I guess, I'm not really sure?" He was being brutally honest with this statement. Something, he would never allow his daughter to do was share a room with any strangers, it was why he decided to take a job over there, and buy a house for the three of them, plus making sure there is a guest room for Mindy since they weren't starting college yet.

They had all nodded their head before Martha approached her kids, and hugging them again, "I'm going to miss you both, so much. Take care of each other," She slightly had felt herself sniffling, again.

   Chad was the first one to speak up, slight annoyance but not too much 'cause deep down he knew he'd miss his mom as well, "Mom, not again." He quietly mumbled still hugging his mom before casually letting go of her, "Yeah, mom no more crying, again." She scowled at her mom, but she also knew that she'd still miss her mom.

   "Oh, please. I have a right to be crying. You are both my kids, and you both have grown so much!"

   Amaya let out a laugh at how embarrassed her boyfriend looked, but yet found it adorable. Paloma couldn't help, but laugh at her dads face, and had immediately did grabby hands to capture his attention which she had managed to do, "Daaaaaaa!" She shrieked in excitement when she felt him picking her up, her sticky hand from when she had her oatmeal earlier, specifically eating with her hands 'cause who needs a spoon to eat, slapping her dad on his face. Laughing at his expression.

   "You're mean," He had simply told his daughter just as Amaya and Mindy had high-fived, "You two as well." He had narrowed his eyes at his sister and girlfriend.

Amaya playfully shrugged her shoulders, innocently, "All is fair, and it's also mean her first word was Dad!" She had quickly reminded her boyfriend, despite practicing with Paloma on how to say mom, she had still managed to ultimately say dad. The betrayal she had felt, but at least he's the target when it comes to throwing her food at, or her toys.

   So, that's a slight win.

   Lorenzo shook his dad at his daughter arguing on this, "Your first word was dad too, 'cause it's easy to pronounce." He reminded his daughter just as Chad had a smug look, and pulling Amaya towards his side, arm wrapping around her waist, and kissing the top of her head, "We should start heading out soon, 'cause it'll begin to get dark on the way." Who knows how many stops they'll make on their way to New York.

   They had all nodded their heads just as Martha, playfully grabbed Paloma's hand that wasn't sticky, "Bye, little cutie. Have fun in New York." She lightly teased her grandchild excitedly that despite not understanding the concept of moving, it'll be a blast to discover a new place, and also do exciting things, eyes glancing up at her son, whispering, "You take care of all three of them, okay?" She raised her eyebrows at her son, hands going to her hips.

   Chad noticing his girlfriend and sister already getting preparing the car seat for Paloma, he had glanced back down at his mom, nodding his head sincerely, "You know I will mom, I'd be dammed to let anything ever happen to them, especially her." He had said the last part directed to his daughter who was snuggled up in his arms.

But, it was the truth, as this time he'd make no one ever lays a hand on his girlfriend. He'd be dammed if anything were to happen to her, again. His heart hurts real fucking bad when Amaya suddenly begins to cry in her sleep, and sometimes wakes up panicking, and 'causing him to instantly awaken, as well and feel her curling up beside him.

   "Chad, please bring, Paloma!" He had heard Amaya softly calling out to him, a bright smile she had displayed on her face when he had glanced her way, smiling at her.

   "Go!" Maratha had smiled at her son who was oblivious of his mothers happiness 'cause he was too focused on Amaya, as she had slowly watched him leave, approaching Amaya who he easily handed Paloma to her. A very cute scene that was displayed of the happy family, leaving this town that offers nothing, but death. All she knew was that this new journey for both of her kids, 'daughter in law' ( not yet ), and also granddaughter would be better than what Woodsboro had offered them.

Yet, perhaps New York will offer the exact same thing, perhaps even more death.


𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞, hope you liked this chapter,
and was good? I hope...

Anywho going to improvise for a bit cause there's no script out for scream six yet or anything.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐒-𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now