𝟎𝟎𝟏 insomnia, nightmares are a bitch

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Chapter one,

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Chapter one,

insomnia, nightmares are a bitch


A sharp gasp escaped her own lips, body immediately tensing up, while her eyes slowly glanced around her very own surroundings, hands had then immediately dropped in front of her before she felt herself panicking, and hands immediately touching her entire body in desperation of hoping she had clothes on. A soft sigh, escaped her lips once she felt her body, and realized she indeed had her clothes on, all this was just her paranoia.

A paranoia that she had soon developed on after that incident, that despite it being a year since the incident, it still felt like it had just been yesterday. The reminder of how his hands gripped her hips down, and ultimately left bruises on her skin. It was still difficult for her to even process that her innocence was taken that night, and now there's moments she can't even recognize herself in the mirror without breaking down in complete sobs.

   Amaya slowly inhaled and exhaled her breath, it somehow kept her calm, as she'd also count her own fingers, it kept her grounded and not spiraling. She quickly removed her soft blankets, legs slowly swinging and touching the ground of her own floorboard, arms stretching with a yawn escaping her own lips. She was still awfully tired, yet it was very much dark outside, it wasn't even morning. So, of course, she was fucking tired it was midnight. Though, if she had been completely honest it was difficult for her to even sleep considering she had been developing insomnia since last year.

A soft movement captured her attention and away from her own thoughts, feet and hands quickly pushing herself up from her very own bed, gently walking towards her child's crib, she quickly noticed her baby had awaken, a soft yawn escaped her lips that allowed Amaya to gently smile down at her baby.

"Go to sleep," She softly whispered, Amaya softly holding her daughters hand before letting it go, "It's past your bedtime, Paloma." She murmured, gently covering her daughter up in her blanket, so she could be all warm.

A sneeze was simply heard.

"Yeah, I know," Amaya agreed, "You hate sleeping, and so do I." She retorted.

Another sneeze.

  "Do you want milk?" She felt completely insane for speaking to her child who despite growing in her teeth already, still doesn't know how to even speak, yet she enjoyed speaking to her own daughter, "Yeah you want milk?" Amaya kindly teased her daughter, a laugh escaping her daughters lips while showing off all of her baby teeth.

   Quickly removing the blanket from her daughter, and gently picking her up from the crib securely to leave from her room to give Paloma some milk in hopes that she would soon fall sleep including herself, that she herself hadn't even realized that this night would be the very last time she will ever feel a sense of comfort and peace in her very own hometown. Woodsbero, California.

   With the return of ghostface after eleven years, death will soon begin to knock around the corner.


𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞, have to split this in
two cause part two will be long. Though, yes she has a kid ik some don't like anything involving teens who are moms.

Though, idk I kinda like it especially in a horror movie like this, and let's say I have her being chased while she's with her kid.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐒-𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now