𝟎𝟏𝟎 calm before the storm

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Chapter ten,

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Chapter ten,

Calm before the storm


    "Mom! Chad's waking up!" Mindy simply called out to her mother who'd been using the hospital restroom that was in their room. It was obvious that they'd share a room, and how Mindy was persistent to have her twin brother be right beside her side.

   Martha rushed out the bathroom, and her eyes widened when she seen her son who was groaning in slight pain, eyes beginning to flicker open until his eyes had fully adjusted, and glancing around and recognizing that he was in the hospital, but his concern was with Amaya.

   His first question when he seen his mother approaching his bed was something that she wasn't expecting to hear, "W-where is she? Where's Maya?" His voice was slightly raspy from awakening, and leaving his mother who had given him a simple sad smile, all while Mindy remained confused. What was wrong with Amaya? Some many questions circling in.

   Martha soothed her son's arm, "Oh, honey. She's still in surgery, she was losing a lot of blood, but everything's going good, she's going to be okay." She reassured her son.

   Chad nodded his head in understanding, all the mattered was that she was okay, and she was still here, he swallowed the lump of saliva that he felt in his throat before speaking to his mom once he noticed her heading to sit in the chair that was right beside his bed, "Mom. . . I think there's something you should know." He had slightly, hesitated. Mindy had furrowed her eyebrows, and wondering what her brother had to tell their mom.

"What is it?" Martha had raised her eyebrow, and simply wondering what her son had to tell her that made him have a look of nervousness before speaking.

   "I think I'm Paloma's dad." He simply retorted, and keeping things vague, "Amber said some things about Amaya, and I think it's a possibility that I'm Paloma's dad." A few tears slid down his eyes when he said this, he wasn't upset that he could possible be Paloma's father, but more so upset how Amber had played a twisted part in something.

   Mindy who's mouth dropped before speaking, "I knew it." She whispered, yet her brother still heard it, but ignored her response. There were things that Mindy didn't know about tonight, and it wasn't his place to reveal what Amaya endured.

   Martha who became flabbergasted, softly spoke to her son, "W–Why do you think that?" She questioned in concern, and he just said something, but kept it vague, he felt his mouth getting hot before he spoke up to his mother.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐒-𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now