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Once I'd arrived home, I did the first thing any normal person does, I called my best friend.

I explained to her every detail about what had happened the past two days and she listened intently. Wanda was always one to root for me and my complicated relationships but this one was another level of intense.

However she still kept saying over and over,
"Just kiss her Evelyn!"
"Make her want you!"
"Make it impossible for her to push you away!"

I'd be lying if I said I hadn't considered continuing flirting with her, just to see how far I could push until she cracked. But at the moment I was too pissed about how stupidly she treated me, ON MY FIRST DAY, might I add!

It was going to be ok though, the next day, all the designers and their assistants would be given their projects during the meeting, and I'd have something to keep me distracted.

Wanda ended up changing the subject, fed up of hearing me dismiss all of her optimistic thoughts.

Turned out I was right about her picking someone up at the bar, only hers had gone a lot better than mine.

His name was Vis, and she showed me a picture and he did indeed look little a bit like a tomato, I knew her too well.

She raved about how sweet and caring he was and how they were going to go out on a proper date that weekend. At least someone's relationship was going to actually go somewhere.

I knew It'd only been a day but he genuinely seemed like a nice guy and to meet Wanda's standards and be possible 'boyfriend material' was impressive if you asked me. She was very specific.

I guessed at least one of us should be happy and dating.


After FaceTimeing with Wanda for a little over 2 hours, we decided to let each other get on with our evenings.

That being said, Wanda just simply said,
"Alright I'm bored of you now. Talk to you later." And I replied with
"Fuck you" to which she and I giggled as she hung up saying,
"Love you too Evelyn"

Since it was still kind of early, I decided to start choosing my outfit for the next day. After a lot of consideration, I'd finally decided to follow Wanda's advice and just see how it went.

That meant of course that I had to look good for Nat. I had to make her so desperate for me that she broke her own rules and gave in to me.

I searched through my closet trying to find something that'd be work appropriate but would still drive her crazy.

I assumed I wasn't getting the clothes or the underwear that I leant her, back any time soon, though the thought of her in them still made my stomach fill with butterflies.

In the end I gave up on my outfit search for a while, deciding to tidy up for a bit instead.

Call me crazy but I found cleaning and tidying quite mindful and relaxing. I opted to leave my bedsheets on as they were because the smell of Nat's perfume was still prominent there and I needed it.

As I wandered around my room, picking up my discarded clothes from last night, my eyes fell upon some ivory trousers, a matching blazer and a black corset top.

I'd completely forgotten about her clothes in my room! But this was just too perfect.

Of course the corset was a little inappropriate for work but the rest was right on the money. And if seeing me in her clothes did the same thing to her that seeing her in mine did to me, well let's just say that Wanda was going to be very proud of my actions.

I gave the blazer and trousers an
iron, since they'd been crumpled on the floor, after deciding not to wash them. They still smelled very strongly of her rose perfume and it was a smell I didn't want to ever get rid of.

I laid out the clothes for tomorrow and chose a silk black button up to go with it. Then, I decided to wind down for the evening and put on a random movie on Netflix to watch.


About half way through the movie, I heard my phone ding from the kitchen. I sighed, forcing myself out of my comfy warm bed to head into the kitchen.

It was only when I stood up that I realised how hungry I was! So I went straight to the fridge and took out some chicken and vegetables to fry up for dinner.

I loved cooking, it was always such a peaceful time where I could just focus on one thing, and of course eat something delicious after.

In the end, I'd made some sort of paella type thing. Well whatever it was, it tasted good!

I turned on the tv and ate my food, the hot rice warming me from the inside, out.

Only around 5 minutes later, my phone began to ring. That was odd, who would be calling at this time?

I took my dinner plate into the kitchen and grabbed my phone to answer it. It was an unknown number.

"Hello?" I asked a little suspicious.

"Evelyn why didn't you reply to my text?"

"Ugh Miss Romanoff!" She complained.
"Right." I sighed
"So, my text?"

"Oh that was you! I'm sorry I went to answer but then I started cooking and I got carried awa.."

"Whatever Evelyn." She interrupted
"Now can you pick up the fabrics for me tomorrow morning or not?"

"Miss Romanoff how did you get my number?" I teased, ignoring her question completely.

"You know what forget it I'll do it myself." She huffed, hanging up the phone. I guess this wasn't exactly the right time to be teasing her.

Well this was going just great! Now I'd just given her another reason to hate me. It was ok though, I was going to make up for it the next day with my outfit.


It'd got pretty late so I decided to take a quick shower and head to bed.

As I relaxed in the hot water of the shower, my mind circled with the same thoughts, all about Natasha Romanoff.

What if she really did hate me?
How did she even get my number?
Did she stalk me?
She knows where I live.
I hope she does show up here.
Oh my god the things I want to do to that woman.
The things I want her to do to me.
I can imagine it!
Her fingers laced in my hair, my head between her...

"Oh shit!" I cried out. I'd got so lost in my thoughts that I'd lost track of time and I'd been daydreaming in the shower for so long that the hot water had run out completely.

I quickly reached down to turn off the icy cold water and wrapped a towel around myself, shivering uncontrollably.

Not bothering for clothes, I dried myself off and dove under the covers, surrounding myself in a nest of warmth.

I shut my eyes, my thoughts returning to those of which I'd had in the shower. Slowly, I drifted off into a comfortable sleep, dreaming about Natasha Romanoff.

A/N: so I'll probably write quite a bit bcs I'm on skl break for a bit so I might post a bit more regularly. I feel like this chapters kinda boring tho lol but the next one is going to be a bit more...interesting

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