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As soon as we were out of the building, Wanda started jumping up and down from excitement.

"Oh my god Evelyn that was so good! Did you see her face? Oh my god she totally wants to fuck you!"

"Wandaaaaa" I groaned, we were still in public and she was practically shouting.

"It's true! Come on Evelyn she was practically undressing you with her eyes!" She screeched, clearly overjoyed that I'd finally taken her advice for once.

"Seriously Wanda talk louder." I said sarcastically.

She glanced at me up and down and raised an eyebrow at me.
"Isn't that outfit a little inappropriate for well, everything?" She joked giggling as we walked to a cafe.

"We'll this is what she gave me to wear." I shrugged

"Hold up! Did you stay the night at hers last night?" She whisper-shouted, bubbling with excitement.

"Well yes." She squealed again, even louder than before.
"But we didn't do anything. Well we did do things but we didn't have sex."

"What happened???" She teased poking my side.

I then proceeded to tell her everything. From me wearing her clothes on my second day, to what happened in the meeting, to what happened last night and finally what had happened this morning.

Wanda was beside herself! She could not believe what I was doing and to be honest, neither could I.

Throughout lunch, we kept discussing both of our relationships and she started to help me to come up with strategies and ideas to try with Nat.

Vis was an IT expert of some kind. Honestly it was something neither Wanda nor I really understood but basically he was a computer wizz. I approved of their relationship. He was certainly smart enough to keep up with Wanda and he seemed perfectly able to manage her 'quirks' pretty well.

Overall, she seemed very excited about him. I was very happy for her and just hoped that he didn't end up breaking her heart. She deserved a loving, caring relationship after all the shit she'd been through.

By the time I'd got back to work, we had about 4 more hours until they locked the doors, so I shouldn't have to go to Nat's again today. I'll admit, I was a little disappointed but what can you do?

When I walked back in, Nat refused to look at me, grumpily staring at her laptop.

"Hi Miss Romanoff." I said, knowing what that name did to her, how it made her feel. Her eyes widened but still, she kept them focused on the screen.

She informed me of a meeting we'd be having in about two hours. I say meeting, it was more like a lecture type thing, the building did have a lecture hall. I'd heard other staff members mention this meeting.

Apparently, at the start of a new season, everyone got a little talk from the higher up team, like Nat, to remind them of their duties and responsibilities. Sounded like a load of bullshit to me but it was part of the job unfortunately. I'd be able to survive a boring meeting surely.


Nat and I walked together in silence to the lecture hall and as we went in she once again whispered,

"Stay focused and keep your mouth shut."

I looked after her in confusion as she walked away towards the front of the room, which was actually quite small for a lecture hall.

Turned out that Nat was the one giving the talk today, great, at least she couldn't touch me in front of all of our colleagues like last time. That was so embarrassing!

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