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I stood outside Nat's apartment, a place I'd been hundreds of times, but never had I felt so nervous to ring a doorbell.

Even when I did, there was no answer. Luckily, I still had my key, so I just let myself in. As I walked through the entrance hall, the familiar smell of her place comforted me, like it always had.

As I walked into the living room, I stopped dead in my tracks. There she was, the blonde woman from before, just asleep on the couch!

"Oh I-uh, sorry I'm just grabbing some things." I muttered, turning away to stop myself from hitting her.

"I'm not who you think I am." She said, her voice rough, with a thick Russian accent.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"My name is Yelena, I'm the younger sister to Natasha."


Oh god.

That's her sister? I just jumped to conclusions straight away! She never even cheated on me? This isn't good.

"You're her sister? But, but you don't look,"

"We're foster kids."

"Oh." I looked at my feet, suddenly feeling very guilty and very stupid.

"Come, come sit, I'll explain everything." She said, gesturing for me to sit next to her. I looked around for any signs of Nat.

"She's out, actually I believe she went looking for you." She said.

"She is?"

"Yes. You know, I've never seen my sister as happy as she has been recently. My big sister is in love with you Evelyn. She's so in love with you that when she thought she'd lost you, she even considered moving back to Russia, just to run away from it all. She couldn't bear to see you every day and not be with you." My heart thudded against my chest.

"Russia?" Nat had never told me anything about her childhood, except that her parents were strict.

"Yes. Natasha and I were raised in Russia together, with foster parents. For a while, it felt like we were a real family, but when Natasha was 12 and I was 6, they sent us back to the home. Abandoned us like garbage. I was so young, so scared that I just stayed quiet and followed the rules, but Natasha was a fighter. She refused to abide by their strict guidelines, shouting and fighting constantly. That was when they moved her to solitary. She didn't get to interact with a single soul until she was 18 and they kicked her out. That's why she's so terrified of being alone again."

"So that's why she lied to me to keep me here? She's scared of being abandoned?"

"Yes. After she was let out, she waited 6 years in Russia for me to get let out too. Then we fled to here and started our lives. She's not been alone, since the day we were reunited, for more than a few days. And now that I'm moving out, you're all she's got."

"She could never lose me. I know I said some things to her that I shouldn't have but I need to make it right." I stood up, pacing the room in front of Yelena.

"I can't let her slip through my fingers. What I said - she didn't deserve that at all. You know what? I do! I do love her! I need her, I will do what ever it takes to make sure she feels safe. That on my watch, she'll never feel alone again. Because I am so fucking in love with her that I will be there for her every damn day so she never has to feel alone again!"

I blurted out every feeling I'd had in the past few weeks. Getting it out, saying out loud that I loved her made me realise just how strongly I felt that for her.


I turned, seeing the very woman I so deeply loved, standing in the doorway. I looked at her, she had tears streaming down her face, but she didn't look sad, quite the opposite. She'd heard everything, she finally knew how I felt.

"You heard that huh?" I laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of my neck.

She smiled widely, nodding.

"Don't just stand there! Kiss her!" Yelena shouted, I'm not sure who to but I ran up to Nat, taking her in my arms and crashing my lips against hers.

"I love you My Angel" I whispered, hugging her close.

"Evelyn, I am unbelievably, embarrassingly, uncontrollably in love with you!" She said, placing her lips once again against mine.

"God! It feels so good to finally say it! For a minute there, I thought I'd never get the chance." She said, her hands locking behind my neck.

"Angel, I want you to know that I meant what I said. Every fucking word." She rested her forehead against mine as we pulled away. I lead her to the couch, sitting down and bringing her with me. She snuggled into my side.

"So you told her everything?" Nat asked Yelena.

"Yes! What was I supposed to do?" She asked naively.

"Maybe let me tell her?" Nat said, somewhat aggressively, giving Yelena a bit of a death stare.

"Ok, ok sorry. But look, turned out fine anyway!" She justified. Nat and I looked at each other before looking back to Yelena. The three of us burst into laughter.

It was music to my ears to hear Nat laugh again, after a week of crying and anger and sadness. Finally we were at peace again, like the birds at the fountain.

Yelena was going to move out that week, on Friday in fact. I knew now that her moving out was going to make Nat extremely anxious, leaving her on her own for the first time since she left Russia. I intended to invite her over as much as I could, making sure she knew always that she wasn't alone. Besides, she hadn't even been to my apartment yet!

Yes it was small and definitely less fancy than hers, but I knew she'd love it. All the little things in there that made it mine. That was the one thing missing from Nat's apartment; the 'me' factor.

I mean I'd have to get all my plants and move them to hers, they're my babies! Yeah, that would Evelyn-ify the place! Luckily Stephen had been watering them for me, making sure that they didn't die.

Also cats. I wasn't allowed a pet in my apartment but I still had pretty little cat ornaments placed around my home. They were adorable! Maybe I could sneak some around Nat's home without her noticing, then when she found them she could think of me. That's cute!

I decided to stay the night. Well, I sort of had no choice, once Nat and I climbed into her familiar bed, she wrapped her arms around me from behind, holding me with an iron grip so I had no chance of escaping. But I'd never run away from her. Not again. It was a mistake and I'll never do it again. Because I do trust her, 3000%. Actually, I love her, 3000%.

And it's because I love her that I had to tell her about Carol. We had to restart the relationship free from lies and secrets. I rolled over so I could look into her eyes.



"I have to tell you something." Hearing the seriousness in my voice, she opened her eyes, listening carefully.

"Don't freak out, but when I thought you'd cheated on me I kinda did something stupid. And you'll have to trust me when I say it meant nothing to me."

"What?" She asked, suddenly looking a little scared.

"I went out drinking with Carol, and we got very drunk and one thing lead to another," I was cut off when she pressed her finger to my lips, shushing me.

"Thank you for telling me Sweetheart." She went to turn out the light, but I stopped her.

"Huh? You're ok with it?"

"Yeah I mean you said it meant nothing and I believe you. I'm just glad I heard it from you and not someone else ok?"

"Are you sure? Because we can go slow if you need time to process."

"No! This is perfect." She said gesturing between us. I nodded.

"Ok good night Angel."

"Goodnight My Love"

A/N: so they made up! How u can forgive me for breaking them up but we needed a bit of drama. I'm this now bcs  i just want them to make up sooo yh

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