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I had managed to get regular mayo this time, thank the heavens. On the way back, I stopped off at the kitchen to make us coffees, just like yesterday, and headed back up.

It'd taken some time for me to process what had happened in that meeting. But no matter how hard I thought, I couldn't think up any possible reasons for why she would have done that to me after all of the boundaries she'd put in place.

I supposed I'd just have to man up and ask her what the fuck was going on.

As I entered her office, she smiled at me devilishly.
"Where did you run off to?"

I went straight to my desk in silence, grabbing my chair and moving it next to hers, however instead of sitting on it, I put my feet on it and sat on her desk in front of her.

"Evelyn! Get of this desk this instant! What do you think you're doing?" She shouted.

"I want you to tell me what the fuck happened earlier!" I demanded, looking down at her in her chair.

"That was a test. You passed." She said calmly, placing a hand on each of my knees.

"You and I have very different ideas on what a test is Miss Romanoff" I said sarcastically.

"I wanted to see how well you could concentrate. Even in ... difficult conditions."

"Bullshit" I huffed, pushing her hands off of me, hopping off the table and sitting in my chair.

We proceeded to eat out lunches together, changing the topic to our projects. Nat really liked my idea of the leather catsuits for women and said she'd help me create those first and then move onto the men's section.

We got on working through the rest of the day, fairly normally, only sharing the occasional awkward stare or touching for a little longer than necessary.


I glanced out the window and it was pitch black outside. The time had gone by fairly quickly but we'd been at it for hours. However, we'd only half finished the sketches and hadn't even started the patterns yet.

"We'll have to go soon Evelyn, they lock the doors and I don't have a key yet." She sighed

"Ok. Should we finish up tomorrow or..."
"No. You're coming to mine. We'll finish up there."

I didn't even bother to protest as I knew it'd get me nowhere, so I just packed up my things and got ready to leave.

"Did you bring your car?" She asked as we walked out into the car park.
"No I walked today."
"Perfect. Follow me then." She lead me to her car, similar to how I had lead her to mine that night at the club.

It was sleek and black with dark tinted windows. She hopped into the drivers seat proudly and started to drive to her house.

Through the journey, I just admired her. Something about her driving was really hot for some reason. I bet she'd look good in a car chase, speeding away from a villain, or maybe she'd be the villain.


My jaw dropped as we entered her penthouse apartment. It was huge! I think my entire apartment could've fitted into just her kitchen. Victoria must have payed her well, she did say she was the best at what she does.

We got straight to work again in the study, concentrating hard. We finally finished all of the sketches a little close to 11 pm.

"You hungry?" She offered
"I could eat." I stated.

She hummed before heading into the kitchen to make us dinner. I excused myself to her bathroom. I couldn't find the main one so I just snuck into her bedroom to use the en-suite.

After doing my business, I ended up using the end of the toilet roll. It was no big deal, but as a guest, I wasn't just going to leave the empty one there.

So I started to search her bathroom drawers in search of a fresh one. Most of the drawers had towels and spare soap and you know, bathroomy things.

I bent down to look in the bottom left drawer and fell back in shock at what I saw. The entire drawer was full to the brim with sex toys of all kinds.

I should have expected it to be honest but I really didn't think that was what I was going to find in there. I shut the drawer quickly and continued my search for toilet paper.

After I'd finally found it, I replaced it on the holder and went back into the kitchen, pretending like nothing happened. However Nat wasn't there.

"In here." Her voice floated through the house from the living room.

"I figured we could just sit on the couch today since it's quite late." She said, handing me my dinner. I raised an eyebrow.

"Peanut butter sandwiches, really?" I giggled. She swatted my arm playfully.

"It's my specialty!" She laughed. My god she was cute when she laughed.
"You need to learn how to cook properly." I chuckled

"Well, there's never been anyone to teach me" she said shyly, blushing slightly from embarrassment.

I decided not to continue that conversation since she seemed to get a little uncomfortable, which was weird for her.

The mood was nice. She had a pretty little rose lamp in the middle of her coffee table which gave off a subtle red glow, and she had some gentle music on in the background. Smooooooth, Natasha Romanoff.


After eating my sandwich, and finishing talking over things for our project, I checked the time.
"Oh man it's pretty late! I should go." I stated, getting up and walking over to the door.

"But you don't have a car, I'm not letting you walk home in the dark this late at night." She complained.

"I'll be fine. See you tomorrow." I turned to leave but I felt soft hands grip my waist firmly and flip me around, pushing me flat against the wall. Her body crashed forward into mine, her hands resting on top of my breasts.

"You're staying here tonight. That's an order." She spoke firmly.
"My My Miss Romanoff" I chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

She looked at me up and down, her pupils once again fully blown from lust.

"Fuck you look good in my clothes" she breathed, giving in to me and smashing her lips against mine. Her hands began to squeeze and toy with my breasts through the silk of my shirt.

"No bra hmmmm? What a slut" she sneered, tracing my nipple piercings through my shirt.
"And I fucking love these" she said, twisting my nipples, causing me to screech out in pain and pleasure as my back arched into her.

She shoved her tongue in my mouth and I wrapped my lips around it, sucking lightly. I felt something metal and gave it a flick with my tongue, earning a deep moan from Natasha.

"Hmmmmm tongue piercing huh? Hot." I said pulling away. I pushed her hands off my breasts and went into the kitchen to get some water. She whined, following me with a pout on her face.

She looked so cute and I just wanted to kiss the pout away but I didn't. I decided I wanted to make her wait a bit longer.

"Oh you're not having me that easily." I sneered
"What you think you have the control?" She teased

I knew that when it came down to it, she probably would have the control, most of the time anyway, but it was fun to play with her.

"Which room will I be staying in then?"

"My room" she stated, her hands snaking around my body to rest on my ass.

"No I'd rather sleep alone." I stated, removing her hands from my body and walking away, leaving her alone in the kitchen, still pouting.

I found the spare room, just along the corridor to where her room was, and went inside. I stripped down to just my underwear and climbed straight into bed, imagining all the things I wanted to do with Natasha Romanoff.

A/N: Heyy guys so I just got out of a somewhat toxic relationship w this guy so I've been writing ab women to make myself feel better bcs let's face it they're better. Anyways hope u guys r enjoying the story so far :)

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