Chapter 410. Yasenia's aggression. Ghana's brilliance.

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The City Lord spoke. "You can sit on those chairs. They have specially built back holes so you can easily sit with your tail. Your friends can also use them. They are adaptable and comfortable. One of the bests wood-workers in the city created them."

Yasenia smiled. "Thanks. Then, we'll take a seat."

After sitting, Yasenia spoke. "Leader Fu, as you should already know, my juniors began a ritual two days ago. However, it went out of control and created damage all around Koran City. Although the items that suffered irreparable damage were mostly mortal and low-level items, we admit that the action was a mistake on our part."

Leader Fu nodded. "I understand. However, let me deal with a little trouble before we continue."

Yasenia paused and squinted for a second. However, she didn't say anything and nodded. "Please, go ahead."

He smiled and said with a troubled smile. "Sorry, Lady Yasenia. I thought you would delay your visit, so you caught me slightly off guard. Please, wait for a moment."

Yasenia said nothing but knew people had been tracking her as she moved through the city.

Therefore, she also knew he wasn't caught off guard. Moreover, Ghana's appearance was more than a clue to know that her superior was aware of their visit. 'Such a low-level action to let me know we are not in control? Hmph, since you are playing that game, don't blame me for being ruthless.'

Nevertheless, she didn't say anything and just smiled, waiting for whatever play the City Lord was about to do.

The City Lord looked at Ghana and said sternly. "Second Secretary Ghana, why are you here? I gave you work before, didn't I? I also told you to guide our guests here and then leave because your lack of attire can make things awkward."

Yasenia lifted an eyebrow but remained silent.

Ghana spoke calmly. "Leader Fu, there is a reason why-."

City Lord Fu sent a pressure wave that interrupted her speech, making Ghana look bad. "Listen to what I tell you."

Fu Liang looked at Ghana with a mocking expression.

Yasenia's eyes flashed with understanding, and everything clicked. 'So it is like this... Since you don't want this little gem, let me get it~.'

Of course, this matter was suggested by her in order to let these people know that Ghana was not the one in charge.

The wolf girl wanted to clarify it because of Ghana's previous contact with them. She was scared that this new clan would favor Ghana more than her.

In short, she was blatantly stealing "customers" right before them with the support of the highest authority. Ghana was mainly demoted because of these small tricks that slowly stripped away Ghana's power.

Ghana had realized it long ago, but she didn't have any way to point it out since everything was done slowly and looked natural.

Under the reproachful glare and mocking smile, Ghana could only lower her head and accept it.

She wanted to clench her fist in anger and argue back, but she knew doing so would only give them a reason to strip even more responsibilities from her because of "lack of conduct."

She knew because it had happened before.

Sadly, although her contributions were high and her connections deep, when choosing between her and the City Lord, it was not hard to guess whom they would prefer.

Ghana didn't show anything on her face and swallowed her frustration.

After taking a deep breath, she was about to agree when something unexpected occurred.

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