Chapter 548. Department Heads and Uncovering the Infiltrator.

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Ghana was working on a few documents with furrowed brows when Yasenia opened the door to her working area.

Ghana's office room was orderly and lightly decorated, with shelves full of folders, jade slips, and other methods to hold information.

Even if it looked like there was a lot, Ghana used her previous experiences when she created a mess big enough to have a hard time searching for specific information to place everything in an orderly manner and with enough labels to be able to search through the mountains of data efficiently.

On top of that, she had developed a routine of ordering all files of the day in the last thirty minutes of her shift, allowing her to work much more efficiently during the rest of the work hours.

The room was not only occupied by her. There were four extra desks. Each was occupied by one harpy.

When Yasenia entered, they were all moving around quite quickly.

These four were direct workers under Ghana's command. Two came from the City Lord's office and had years of experience working with Ghana. The other two were new but had great potential.

'Or so I've heard from Mom.' Yasenia muttered in her mind.

When she entered, Ghana looked up, somewhat annoyed that the person hadn't knocked. However, her face completely changed when she spotted that said person was Yasenia.

Ghana stood up and smiled. "Yasenia, do you need anything? You could've called me, and I would've gone to your side."

Yasenia lifted an eyebrow. "What, I can't come if it is just to visit you?"

Ghana placed her hand over her mouth and giggled. "You certainly can. I'm sure these girls are also happy."

Yasenia looked at the four and nodded. "Keep up the good work."

"Yes, Matriarch!"

Yasenia sat down at a chair on Ghana's table's side.

Her long legs crossed as her tail went through an opening on the back of this chair.

This design of a chair was standard throughout the Astral Sky Clan because of Yasenia and other beast humans with tails.

It didn't bother those who had no tail, and it certainly helped those who had it.

"I saw that you were frowning. Is there anything wrong?"

Ghana sighed, feeling a bit helpless. "Yes. I don't know how these people became recruiters. After your scolding that day, we've cleaned the clan and made people retake the entry exams, including the fifteen examiners we have. Examiners of the third batch and beyond did not pass the test. Those of the second batch supervised by me, and with your help, passed it without problems. Moreover, we've estimated that from the nine-hundred members we have now, we'll reduce that number to around five hundred once the retest takes place."

Yasenia nodded. Those tests were supposed to be extremely difficult to overcome, so this outcome was more than predictable.

However, there was something that made Yasenia curious. "Why are those from the third batch forward so suspicious? Who is the one that allowed those people into the clan?"

Ghana frowned. "That's what I'm confused about."

Yasenia tilted her head. "Why not use the formation's recording function?"

Ghana blinked twice. "Eh?"

Yasenia was stumped. "Didn't Tatyana speak about these functions?"

Ghana smiled bitterly. "In her words: I will not tell you anything about the formation. Try to use it as you think is appropriate. If you know nothing about using formations, learn it. The functions are extensive, and I'm adding new ones daily. Here are a few books about basic formation usage mastery. Read all of them and memorize them in two months."

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