Chapter 579. Useless Schemes.

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Among those five leaders from the Mouse, Rabbit, Wolf, Bear, and Earth Shark races, the strongest was from the Earth Shark clan. He was a low-level Epoch Core realm person.

His race was humanoid with strange bumpy fins on the neck area and along the skull. The shark characteristics were present together with a tail and a large fin on its back.

Their stature was giant, about four meters tall, and their body was bulky.

The earthly color of their skin and powerful webbed fingers ending in claws probably developed to allow them to swim in the land.

However, even with their imposing body and aura, before Tengliu, he was nothing.

"There are people from all your clans. What do you have to say about this."

"My Earth Shark race has nothing to do with this."

"My Lightning Rabbit Race has nothing to do with this."

"My Bone Mouse race has nothing to do with this."

"My Mountain Bear Race has nothing to do with this."

"My Steel Back Wolf Clan has nothing to do with this."

Tengliu snorted.

Back in the room, Yasenia blinked. 'Bone Mouse... I had a conflict with them, right? I remember that they were part of a power... Ah. [Five Shadow Fangs].'

The auctioneer spoke respectfully. "Lady Tengliu, thank you for intervening, our-"

"Save it. I haven't done it for your Auction house. A friend of mine has auctioned a few items, and some of them are there, so I intervened."

The attempt to create a connection with Tengliu failed miserably, and the dragon woman could only stay silent and smile.

Tengliu looked back at those planted on the ground and asked. "You said the Astral Sky Clan stole those, right? Prove it."

The person was giving a bit of time to create a compelling story, so he blurted it out. "The Astral Sky Clan is a power that's not even a year old. The masters of that power, no matter how skilled, it is impossible to create this kind of treasure! Therefore, they either have stolen them or are lying while saying that they can create them."

Tengliu couldn't begin to count how many holes that explanation had, but she asked. "So, why are you stealing them? Do you feel that they must belong to your group since they are stolen?"

The man was stumped.

Tengliu said with a bored expression. "Sorry for not being exalted enough not to be worthy of buying the High-level Heaven-ranked treasures that have appeared."

Yasenia descended from the VIP room and landed beside Tengliu.

Yasenia's appearance was like a lightning bolt for most people.

She was wearing her revealing [Empyrean Cosmos Dress], and her [Empyrean Dragon Authority] aura was released.

Just these two things complimented her beauty and charisma to the point that some fell in love at first sight.

Yasenia's make-up was still on her, so she had a different attraction than usual. Although the make-up was not perfectly done, the wearer was Yasenia. Hence, as someone who could even make a sack of potatoes look good, it gave her a different allure.

Of course, that group didn't expect that Yasenia herself would descend and face them directly.

Yasenia looked at them calmly and spoke, her slightly deep and alluring voice spreading around. "So, you said that my clan stole these items? Since my clan is being accused, I should step forward. I'm also curious to know how they think I robbed these items. Since, as you've said, I'm a weak and newly established power, right?"

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