Chapter 519. A Fox's Battle and Contempt.

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As the other girls fought, Kali was also fighting on her own.

The three-tailed fox wore her elemental armor named [Mother Nature armor]. Not only that, around her, a hundred dryads wearing different outfits stood straight.

One senior was surprised and screamed. "Lady Kali, what are those!? Are you colluding with those things?"

Kali looked at him and answered with her gentle and calming tone. "Senior, can't you see my creatures and those beasts? How could you compare them?"

The seniors focused and saw that Kali's army looked different, as every single creature was a dryad almost identical to the other.

The female-shaped women had very similar body shapes and faces. They were all tall, curvy, and with beautiful features. Their long green hair fluttered in the wind as their aura was profound but relaxing.

Their faces were expressionless, and their eyes had no actual intelligence in them. However, they looked ready to hear anything Kali told them to do.

"Excuse us for overreaction, Lady Kali."

Kali shook her head and softened her tone. "Do not feel bad. I expected it in a situation like this."

They all nodded and refocused on their fights. The monsters looked unending, after all.

Unlike the beast-like plant creatures, Kali's army was formed by four types of dryads.

The ones at the front had their bodies completely covered in wooden armor and had heavy wooden shields and maces.

The ones right behind them had lighter plant-based outfits resembling cultivation clothes and wielded swords, spears, and many other slashing and stabbing weapons.

The ones at the back wore a very light leaf dress, and their hands grabbed onto a refined wood bow.

Then, two other groups were at the sides, wearing nothing but an elegant flower dress. This last group was powerful in offensive and defensive nature-based cultivation techniques.

The number of dryads reached one hundred: thirty armored dryads, thirty melee dryads, twenty archers, and twenty skill users.

Of the skill users, five focused on healing, five focused on defensive skills, five focused on restraining abilities, and the last five on offensive skills

Kali had been practicing a lot with her summoning, and Valeria and Tatyana guided her in developing her skills.

The first piece of advice was to perfect one of her summoning skills as much as she could, and the one Kali chose was [Dryad Summoning] between [Treant Summoning], [Dryad Summoning], [Forest Summoning], and [Man Eating Plant Summoning].

Then, Valeria and Tatyana helped her with her questions, and she managed to create the current skill by putting in an incredible effort.

Kali waved her hand and made her dryads attack the other plant creatures.

They all moved in sync under Kali's commands and used basic army tactics to face the waves of creatures coming their way.

The front line kept them occupied and prevented others from slipping past into their back line. The melee dryads killed everything that passed the front-line dryads with ruthless attacks and agility.

Then, the archer dryads focused on distant enemies, continuously raining arrows and having the highest kill count between the groups.

The remaining caster dryads focused on aiding all the other groups and avoiding the formation from crumbling down when range attacks came or powerful creatures charged at them. They used their walls, rooting skills, boosts, healing, and offensive skills to keep everything under control.

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