Chapter 575. First half of the Auction's third day.

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The next twelve products were not interesting for Yasenia, so she didn't bid.

Tengliu found one of them useful and bought it for almost the initial price. It was a peak-level Earth-ranked flying sword.

A few tentative voices tried to bid against Tengliu, but she bid quickly back, not letting the auctioneer even say their bids.

This intimidated them into giving up, which warned another round of adoring eyes from Yasenia. Something that delighted the millennial harpy as she rubbed her cheek with her again. 'Oh my gosh! Little Yasenia is so cute~.'

Yasenia was curious and asked. "What do you need that for, Aunty Tengliu?"

Tengliu answered with a smile while hugging Yasenia a bit tighter. "Well, someone back at home has recently broken through into the Ethereal Soul Body Realm. I was searching for something to gift her, and this sword is nice."

Tengliu received it from Carbira and nodded. "The craftsmanship is good."

Yasenia nodded. "It's not bad."

"Only not bad?"

Yasenia chuckled. "I honestly can't evaluate it higher than "not bad." Andrea back at home can make you a sword like this one in less than a week while working on other projects."

Tengliu blinked and looked at the sword again. 'Hm... This little girl hides many secrets. Maybe Ghana wasn't exaggerating when she said that little Yasenia's production methods were first ranked even among top powers.' She shook her head and stored it in her spatial ring. 'I'll tour Yasenia's Astral Sky Shop later. I dismissed her claims because I thought she was trying to make amends between me and little Yasenia, but I might have jumped to conclusions.'

The auction continued, and they all could see her white feathers ruffle with joy each time Yasenia praised her, or they laughed together.

As the hours went by, Yasenia and Tengliu slowly became closer.

Both parties had good instincts and could feel the other person softening, creating a good cycle of gently and gradually increasing goodwill.

After thirty-four treasures, the auctioneer said. "Now, we have this [Spring Tree Sap Cauldron]. It is the last peak-ranked earth-ranked cauldron with the initial price of two hundred high-level Parus!"

Yasenia knew that these kinds of profession-related equipment were helpful for her clan members, so she bid anonymously. She didn't want to abuse Tengliu's name.

Tengliu was confused. "Child, why did you not use my name?"

Yasenia looked up at Tengliu and said seriously. "I want your name to be impactful, so using it too much will lose the feeling of awe it gives to others. I'd rather reserve it for the more important items later on."

Tengliu smiled and rubbed her face with Yasenia again. "You are so cute~. Do you think that overusing it can make something like that? Hahaha, you shouldn't worry that much and abuse your Aunty's name!"

Yasenia laughed, and her tail gently wagged.

It had been a while since she felt this feeling of care from an elder coming from others besides Tatyana, so she indulged a bit.

Tatyana asked curiously. "By the way, Tengliu. How much money have you prepared for this event?"

Tengliu didn't separate from Yasenia as she answered. The position has even changed into Tengliu lying in a reclined position and hugging Yasenia on top of her while her leg pushed them closer.

It felt as if Tengliu was nestling a child between her wings.

"I don't have that much money at hand, to be honest. I have only over six million flawless Parus in my card."

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