Chapter 599. Taking Control Over The Basin. (Poll Results.)

164 17 2

Maybe some of you don't know, but an added benefit of being a Pat reo n supporter is that your votes count triple.

Hence, the points after the final calculations are like this.

1.-Tree System Novel: 255

2.-Vampire Romance: 201

3.-ABO Dungeon: 118

4.-Zombie Apocalypse: 111

5.-ABO Romance: 88

6.-Quick Transmigration: 82

Congratulations to those who voted for the tree novel, and I've seen the popularity of the Vampire Romance novel, so if I have time in the future, I'll look into it seriously.

Thanks a lot to all who participated!


Yasenia blinked and looked toward the distance, feeling Cecile's aura coming closer at a very high speed.

Yasenia had told them that it was safe to come here already, so the whole group was coming.

In the meantime, Yasenia asked. "Mirrory, I have a few ideas, but... What should I have done during Angel's inheritance ritual? What do I do during a ritual that appears to be damaging my lover, but I can't really interfere without risking it?"

Mirrory didn't answer straight away and asked back. "What do you think?"

Yasenia pondered. "Instead of approaching with fighting intentions, I should've asked?"

Mirrory shook her head and guided her thinking. "Think again. What if we were a demonic ritual trying to possess Angel's body? At first glance, distinguishing rituals is very complicated. Especially the rituals made to damage the "inheritors." They always try to hide their intentions."

Yasenia frowned for a second and thought. "Hmm. I should look around and see if there is a way to break the ritual first. Or I could wait for the most delicate part of it to interrupt it... After all, rituals can't be stopped mid-way unless the people doing it are very powerful, right? However... That's what I did with your ritual."

Mirrory smiled. "Those are a few of the options. For example, there are other ways to analyze the energy being exchanged and distinguish the ritual's flow, making you feel whether it is flowing with the Heavens or going against them. Do you know how to do it?"

Yasenia listened and nodded, but her face clearly appeared confused. Mirrory asked. "What are you thinking?"

Yasenia asked. "The method you are speaking is to see what kind of karma it generates. But don't I need to approach and inspect the formation for that? How is this different from meddling with the ritual?"

Mirrory tilted her head. "Can't you naturally feel the energy and tell? It's something easy to tell at first glance, right?"

Yasenia was speechless. "Mirrory, I don't know elsewhere, but where I come from, that's quite a high-level skill. Mom, can you do that?"

Tatyana nodded. "I can. But, yes, Mirrory is giving you juniors too much credit."

Mirrory lifted an eyebrow. "Oh? Then, your first answer was not completely incorrect... I thought that you could feel the aura and still decided not to trust us..." Then, she added. "However, the worst you can do is come in swinging as you did. You were like a rampaging beast, striking the ritual constantly. You should've stopped when Fu Jing Jing started speaking."

Yasenia frowned. "That's... Well, I do agree."

Tatyana chuckled and hissed a bit when Valeria began bandaging her arm. "Honestly, it is all about perspective. There isn't one universal answer for those situations. However, false rituals are not that hard to uncover. If you meet one in the future, you will probably easily feel it, little treasure."

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