Unexpected visit

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Izuku POV

It's been around a week since I moved in with Kacchan and it wasn't that bad. It was nice and I got more comfortable around him.
"Hey Freckles, you sure you don't want to stay here while I'm away? It's long, 5 days-" I look up at the blond who was looking at me with concern.
"I'm okay Kacchan! My couch is a lot more comfortable then it looks!" I chuckle taking my bag from the backseat. He was dropping me off at the cafe and he's leaving right after since he was going for a show in Tokyo.
"You have the keys I gave you?" He asks and I nod. "Good, you know where I live! Just go if you want!" He glares at me making me understand he was serious.
"I promise, don't worry and have fun and also good luck!" I smile at him and he ruffles my hair with a smirk.
"It's not luck nerd- It's fucking talent!" He grins proudly and I roll my eyes with a chuckle.
"Sorry for doubting you your highness" I say joking around pretending to bow and he snorts.
"Go do your duty, peasant-" He smirks as I burst in laughter.
"See you in Tuesday Kacchan!" I smile getting out of the car.
"See y'a freckles!" He grins as I go to open the cafe.

It was Friday today so any time now Aizawa should be here which leaves me time to drop my stuff in the back and prepare his usual.
I do so and go in the front with my light brown apron on. Before I start the food I hear the door open.
"GOOD MORNIINNG!!" I look up at energetic person who walked in. It was Ochako with- Aizawa?
"Good morning you two! It's a surprise to see you together! You know each other?" I ask and the brunette and the tired man nod.
"Yeah we're leaving for Tokyo so I wanted to surprise the crew with breakfast! Aizawa here, came with to help bring the drinks, since he's coming with us for once!!" My friend explains bubbly as ever.
"Oh that's great! So what's your order?" I ask and note her whole order, that was a lot of food.

"So you guys work in the same company?" I ask curious as I start to prepare their order.
"I'm her boss." Aizawa explains sounding tired. I swear, the day he comes in with energy I'm bringing him to the hospital- I smile at my own thought.
"That's great! Tho, I respect you more now that I know you get to boss Uraraka-san around-" I laugh brewing the coffee.
"And I thought I was your friend!" Ochako says dramatically making me laugh and Aizawa smirk under his scarf.

"Here you go! That will be.. 40. 34$" I exclaim after calculating the amount of the order.
"Her you go! Keep the change!" Ochako hands me a 50$ bill and grabbing the orders with Aizawa's help.
"Bye Deku-kun! I'll call you soon!" My friend smiles leaving with the walking dead man.

Ever since Mina did that post that she was here, I've had more customers. My days were less boring and I was making more profit which made me happy. Everyday tho I always kept a seat at 3:20 for the 2 kids so that they could continue their little ritual.
I saw that girl, Tsuyu Asui and we got along quite well, she passed a few times before work and I learned she worked at a music company and she would take care of scheduling the meetings and all. The group of my new friends didn't pass at the cafe this week since they were rehearsing their choreographies for their next performance (That was all weekend). Even when Kacchan came to come get me he would go back to practice with the group. I would sometimes go watch them and I have to admit they were quite good. As much as I felt of a bother, Kacchan always scolded me about thinking I was.
I also had a chat with Ochako about warning me about the moving thing and she didn't even apologize! She said that it wouldn't have happened if I was more responsible, which was kinda true.. Other than that I was getting used to my new routine and I brought more clothes at Kacchan's place instead of always bringing a change of clothes after work. Sleeping in an actual bed wasn't bad at all!

"Izuku dear?" I look up to see her.
"Oh.. Hi mom.." I mumble anxiously, what was SHE doing here!?! She rushed behind the counter and hugged me.
"I'm so happy to see you again! How is business going? I saw that famous group came by!" She says, so that's what it's about.. She was telling me how dumb my idea of a cafe was last time but since I could be well seen in society it was now a good one. I guess it's true people don't change..
"Yeah, they pass by sometimes, less in the last week since they have a show they had to prepare for.." I explain trying to get separated from my emotions.
"Oh that's great! I knew you had it in you!" She smiles hugging me again but I just stiffened.
"What are you doing here mom? Weren't you working on a project in America.?" I ask her blocking my emotions to avoid exploding at her hypocrisy.
"Of course honey but can't I visit my dear son?" She asks doing 'puppy eyes' but I scoff waiting for her to continue . "And I have a small favour to ask.." She says softly, here it is!
"I knew you wouldn't just come to see me-" I grumble trying to hide my disappointment.
"Of course I would! Anyways, I wanted to ask you to come in America with me, I have a new husband and he wants to meet my son before we get engaged, he thinks family is important and he's right!" She explains a stupid smile plastered on her face.
"No." I say firmly.
"What?" She asks shocked.
"I said No. Ever since dad died, you never tried to maintain a relationship with me EVEN if we lived under the same roof. I'm not going on the other side of the world just so you can have a happy FAKE family. I'm not wasting time on someone who barely recognize me as her son." I say loudly my voice breaking from the anger developing.
"Do NOT speak to your mother like that! You owe me everything! Because of you I didn't have a penny from your fathers insurance! You-"
"Get. Out." I say firmly pointing the door.
"You don't tell me what to do I-" I cut her again.
"Out. Or I'm calling the cops. Your in my shop and you were violent, pretty sure that wouldn't be a nice image you would be giving to your husband would it-" I say mocking her but in a dry tone.
"You wouldn't.. I'm your mom!" She laughs.
"Oh I would in a heartbeat, you wanna try?" I threat her and she glares at me.
"You ungrateful piece of shit! You don't even deserve to be called my son!" She yells leaving the cafe and I finally let tears fall and I lock the door of the shop and put the closed sign, I wasn't in a state to get clients right now.

I go behind the counter and sit on the ground crying.
"Why did you leave me dad...? I need you.." I cry, she slapped me.. She yelled at me... Nothing I'm not used to but- but she- she never had the intention to come and see ME. She was here to maintain a good image, AGAIN!
I take out my phone and dial my friends number, she was leaving on tour but she's the only one to know everything, and I needed to talk..
"Hey Izuku, Can I call you back?" She asks on the other side of the line sounding occupied.
"Y-Yeah-" I say between breaths.
"Zuku, Are you okay?" She asks panicked.
"She-She came.." I manage to let out and started to cry louder.
"I'm sorry this is important, I'll come back in a bit." I hear her say like she was far from her phone, probably speaking to someone else.
"I-I'm sorry-" I sob feeling bad for bothering her again with my problems again.
"Shh Zuku it's okay, what happened?" She asks softly.
"She-She slapped me.." I mumble.
"SHE WHAT!?!" She yells on the phone.
"She-She wanted me to go at America with her so she could show me off to her new husband since he found family important.. She-" I break down again.
"That bitch really has guts-" She grumbles making me scoff. "Do you want me to come back?" She asks softly.
"No it's okay.. I just- I just wanted to talk about it.. She really has the worst timings-" I snicker shaking my head in discouragement.
"Okay.. Do you want to video chat?" She asks concerned.
"If you can.." I mumble and I hear the vibration of my phone and see her appear when I accept the video chat offer.
"Oh.. You look like a mess-" She points out making me chuckle.
"I'm not a pretty cryer-" I say and she rolls her eyes.
"So what else did that bitch say to my baby?" She asks and I feel more tears come.
"She came and had the guts to say that she always knew my business would work out and bla bla bla, she was saying all her hypocrite stuff-" I sigh and she snorts.
"Want me to beat her ass when I come back?" She says with the smile of the devil.
"No thanks! Hopefully she'll be long gone by then-" I say and she nods in agreement.
"Just give me the signal and I have a few plans of torture reserved for her-" She explains with a creepy smile as I laugh. "So what else did she say? Just so you know- I have more reasons to torture her when the time comes-" She says an evil grin plastered on her face.
"She.. She told me I was an ungrateful piece of shit that because of me she wasn't even on my father's will and I was the reason she didn't get money from the insurance and that I didn't deserve to be called her son.." I mumble hurt by her comments, every word was like she was turning the knife in the healing wound.
"She's right on the son part the rest was bull crap, you deserve someone way better than her, well it's more her that doesn't deserve to be related to a angel like you!" She grins and I giggle.
"You're the best Ochako you know that?" I smile grateful to have her as my friend.
"I know I am! I have too if I want to be worthy of the presence of the great saint Izuku in my life!" She grins as I giggle.
"Thanks.. I'll let you go back to your work, it looked important-" I say with a reassuring smile letting her know I was better.
"Okay, call me back if you need okay? I'm keeping my phone close!" We say goodbye and I hang up feeling lighter.

I go in the back to clean up the mess on my face before going back to opening the cafe.


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