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Major Time skip to The end of their tour. (A little less than 3 months later)

Izuku POV

Today I was taking the bus to go to Tokyo since they were spending 2 weeks over there before coming back. So I was staying with them for their last week of the tour. Shin spend the last week with them and is going back in 2 days. I remember that Kacchan and Denki were working on a song and that was why they wanted us to be there at the same time. Shin didn't know tho(I think), Kacchan's slip up is the only reason I know. I was in for a 9 hour trip so I had my music in my ears and decided to sleep since it was only 1AM. Kacchan was gonna pick me up at the stop when I arrive at Tokyo.

I slept and jumped when I felt someone shake my shoulder.
"What the-" I was confused and still half asleep.
"Good morning to you too freckles" I realize it was Kacchan and I relax.
Oh that means we're there.
"We're here?" I ask stretching.
"Yup, I was starting to think you forgot to come or something." He snorts and I laugh shortly while getting up. He helps me get my luggage that was in the little storages under the bus and we go in the car.
"You forgot something." Kacchan says and I look at him confused. I'm pretty sure I have everything...
I smile realizing what he meant and I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. We stayed like this for I don't know how long.
"I missed you..." I whisper against his lips.
"Me too.. I fucking missed you. 3 months is way too long." He groans and I giggle giving him an other kiss.
"Yeah.. Good thing these tours aren't too often.." I smile.
"Come on, I have things planned for the day." He smirks and I look at him curiously as we get in the car.
"Remember I told you we'd come to Tokyo together?" He asks with a smirk and I nod. "Well today I'm bringing you around and I thought of a few things we can do." He explains and I smile excited.
"Ohhhh!!! What are we doing?" I ask happily.
"It's a surprise!" He smirks.
"But I hate surprises!" I whine and he laughs.
"No you don't." He says back mockingly. 
"No I don't..." I admit sadly.
"Who's car is this?" I ask looking at the unknown car.
"The car we rented for the week dumbass!" Kacchan says and I face palm realizing how obvious it was.
"We never know! You may be a crazy rober psychopath!" I exclaim and he laughs as we enter the car.
"Am I still considered a Psychopath and a potential mastermind murderer?" He asks mocking my weird ideas.
"Yes! You will have that suspicion until the day you brutally murder me!" I say dramatically.
"Even when I ask you to marry me?" He asks playfully.
"Why are you so sure you'll ask first? From what you know I may be on my way to propose!" I pout and he raises an eyebrow amused.
"Are you on your way to propose?" He asks playfully.
"No.." I mumble.
"You're so stubborn!" He laughs.
"And you're stubborn for thinking I wouldn't propose first!" I defend myself. "Who knows! Maybe I'm the manly one in this relationship and will ask first!" I say proudly but he just laughs.
"You're cute, you know that?" He smirks.
"I can't be manly if you think I'm cute!" I whine and he laughs.
"You spend way too much time with Kirishima." He smirks giving me a quick glance.
"He's a good influence!" I retort.
"He's transforming you into something you aren't!" He jokes.
"Whatever DAD you know nothing about me!" I says sarcastically before laughing.
"That's Daddy for you~" He smirks teasing me.
"EWW GROSS!!" I say in disgust and he laughs.
"I'm just saying!" He winks at me and I pretend to throw up.
"I am never calling you that! It's like comparing you to my father! It's a no no!" I cry.
"What if I had a Daddy kink? Wouldn't you want to say it?" He asks mockingly.
"Good thing you don't have one!" I giggle and he nods in agreement while smirking.
"Also we have the concert Tomorrow, are you ready to get your mind blown?" He asks confident.
"I have expectations just so you know!" I say pretending to be a snob.
"This will surpass any expectations, I promise." He smirks hiding something.
"What are you hiding?" I ask suspicious.
"You'll see tomorrow~" He says and sadly, his facial expression wasn't showing anything.

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