Give her back

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Izuku POV

I was terrified by what would happen next.. But I still pushed the large door, I still took that step, I took in the humid air, I had to.
"You must be Izuku! Your mother told me sooo much about you." A creepy voice said from further in the room. It was too dark for me to see his facial features, but I clearly saw a figure that wasn't my mother making me take a hesitant step back.
"I have the m-money.. G-give her back.. A-and I'll go." I say trying to keep my cool.
"Oh we could get so much more~" At his left I notice my mother.
"Give. Her. Back." I say firmly.
"OH we will! That brat was just an excuse to bring you here!" She smiles at me sending me shivers.
"Now I'm here. Let her go!" I say almost yelling.
"Patience! We tried to get you to come with us calmly but we need you! It's your fault for making things hard. We just need you to merge my company with someone!" The men says happily.
"... Where are you going with all this..?" I ask on the verge of tears.
"We organized a marriage with the daughter of this company! It will be much better than being with a boy! You'll be able to get your own family, and live a great life!" The men says confidently.
"Give her back, I'll go with you as long as you give her back.." I say a tear falling. They were there just waiting for me to get Eri, after they'll be gone I just have to play along.
"Still a weak ass bitch I see. Not even trying to put up a fight." My mother laughs.
"Give her back, didn't you hear what I said!? I'LL FUCKING GO! JUST GIVE HER BACK!" I yell at them an other tear falling.
"SHUSH! No worries, we'll send her location once we're gone, couldn't risk her opening her mouth would we!" The men says mischievously.
"What..?" I say under my breath.
"Now come on!" My mom says happily walking to me.
"N-no! Give her back now! I don't trust you!" I say aggressively.
"You were right Inko dear! He's so ungrateful! We are only trying to give him a happy life and a happy family!" The men says irritated.
"Send her location now. If she's here then we have time to leave without being noticed. No one knows I'm here so no one will know I left with you. Just.. Please do that.." I say desperate at this point.
"Just do it. We have better things to do." The men grumbles taking out his phone.

"Did you guys hurt her..?" I ask anxiously.
"Who do you think I am? I would NEVER hurt someone! I don't think I could live with myself if I did that!" My mother sings like it was obvious and true. I still sigh in relief after the confirmation.
"Let's go. We-" The men was shut with a loud bang at the door and we then are surrounded by officers. I feel someone take my arm and see Todoroki.
"Follow me." He says firmly and watching the surroundings as the two start being arrested while screaming at me.
"You did great Midoriya. They are with Eri now, you can stop worrying." Todoroki says as an effort to comfort me but I really needed Kacchan's hug to feel safe. I look around seeing all the flashing lights of the cars. I finally spot Kacchan who was coming our direction quickly.
"I'll stay close by." Todoroki says moving letting me be with Kacchan.
"Fucking Nerd. You really accepted to go with them so easily?" My boyfriends asks holding me thightly in his arms.
"I knew you guys were there and you would have protected me.." I explain nuzzling in his chest. "I know YOU wouldn't let me go.." I say in a barely audible tone.
"Fuck yeah I would!" He says proudly kissing my forehead.
We stay like this until I hear the yelling from further away.
"YOU UNGREATFUL SON OF A BITCH! YOU'RE ONLY DRAGGING HIM *points at Kacchan* DOWN RIGHT NOW-" Before she could continue talking, She was interrupted by my Angry Pomeranian.
"HE IS A SON OF A BITCH! YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He yells with a proud grin and she just looked infuriating. She is then forced in a car and her partner is in an other.
"This story is fucked up.." My boyfriend grumbles
"Yeah I noticed.." I slightly chuckle.
"Kacchan, did you want to have a biological family? They were talking about all that earlier and I never really thought if you would like that because I can't give you that and-" I was cut in my rambling by his lips pressed on mine.
"Shut up would you? I don't care about that. I'm with you, and that's the only family I need.." He smiles and I can't help but smile brightly.

"MR.DEKU!!" I turn to see Eri who was running with a blanket with the paramedics after her.
"Eri! Are you okay?" I ask as she jumps in my arms.
"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have went with her!" She cries in my arms as the paramedics and Aizawa get to us.
"Shh, it's okay it's not your fault, you're so strong! But promise me you'll be more careful? We were all worried about you.. Even my angry boyfriend was!" I chuckle and she giggles.
"I promise, it was way too scary to do again." She sighs and I can't help but smile.
"You must be hungry, go with your dad so they can make sure you're okay, after that I'm sure you'll get delicious food!" I ruffle her hair and she leaves with the others and Aizawa gives a small smile and a nod.
"Thank you Midoriya, you two can go, you deserve some rest and Bakugo. Don't worry about the TV show take the week off." Aizawa says and we nod waving goodbye.

"I said SHE was hungry but.. Can we eat? I'm starving!" I whine and Kacchan chuckles kissing my forehead.
"Sure Freckles, let's go." He smiles as we get in his car.
"So what do you want to eat?" He asks.
"Can we make some Katsudon? I love how you make it.." I mumble and he nods with a soft laugh.
"Then let's go home I did promise you cuddles~" He smirks and I nod happily.

Now that I think of it.. If he didn't insist on knowing what's wrong I could already be on a flight to America to marry someone that isn't Kacchan.. Wait-

"Kacchan! We said we'd do IT when we get back home but- I kinda want it to be without my cast and all.." I point out blushing madly.
"What did we say we'd do again?" He asks with a smirk.
"IT" I repeat even more flustered.
"Oh! Are you talking about sex?" He asks teasing me as I nod shyly wanting to disappear.
"It's okay freckles, we'll just take the week to relax we'll save the rest for later.." He says reassuringly taking my hand.
"Okay.. Thank you.." I mumble.
"I love you freckles, I hope you know that.." He says softly.
"Yeah.. And I love you with all my heart!" I say with a smile and I swear I saw a blush on his cheeks.
"You blushed!" I smile picking his cheek and the blush goes wider.
"Did not!" He answers defensively.
"Yes you did!" I say cheerfully.
"And what if I did?" He says irritated.
"Then I'd say you look adorable when you do!" I smile at him and a small smile blessed his lips.
"Thanks I guess.." He grumbles making me chuckle.

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