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Katsuki POV

"Arrggg can't it fucking go faster!?!" I whine dropping aggressively on the couch.
"Eager to see Midoriya again~" I glare at Denki who did that stupid comment.
"Fuck No!" I defend myself, even tho we all knew it wasn't true.
"Okay so I guess I'll tell Sero to cancel our stop at the cafe-" I glare at Uraraka that was smirking like the fucking devil.
"Never mind-" I grumble sinking in my seat as they all laugh.

7 hours later we were finally back to Hosu and putting our masks as we go inside the cafe. There was a few more people sitting in the cafe, good, his business is working. It's 3:45 PM.

"YOU'RE BACK!!!" I see the greenette run to us and stop with his usual bright smile.
"Happy to see you too Zuku!" Uraraka smiles at the greenette.
"How was it?" He asks calming down but still smiling.
"It was great dude! It was a full house!" Denki says excited.
"Of course it was! We're the fucking best!" I say with a confident grin.
"I feel like that only fulls his ego more" Izu giggles.
"Oi- Say that to my face freckles-" I glare at him getting closer to him.
"No thanks I want to live!" He laughs a small blush on his face making me smirk.
"Whatever Nerd. Don't forget you have to come back now, so you will suffer~" I ruffle his hair and he turns brighter red.
"Mean-" He grumbles.

"Oh guys! I want you to meet someone!" Izu smiles motioning us to follow him.
"Oh- Hey Midoriya what's up?" A purple haired boy asks behind the counter.
"Guys, this is the guy I hired!!! He helps me with the cafe!" He smile presenting the guy.
"Hitoshi Shinso, nice to meet- Wait your the girl that works with my dad?" He asks pointing to our manager and she grins.
"Yup! Nice to see you again! Your dad is sleeping in the bus so he didn't come in." She explains and he nods.
"Of course he is.." He sighs shaking his head making the others laugh.
We all present ourselves and he stays polite and chill about meeting us but I could see the blush when he spoke to Denks.
"You weren't kidding, sir has a crush~" I whisper to the nerd who chuckled with a nod.
"Told you so-" He mumbles with a grin making me blush under my mask since we were so close.
"MR. DEKUUU!!! WE'RE FINISHED" The 2 brats of last time yell making Freckles leaves me with the others.
"That brat really has to learn to be quiet-" The Shinso grumbles making me snort.
"Oh, it's your sister right?" The brunette making the new employee nod.  THEIR FUCKING RELATED!?!
"Wow Wow Wow- We now know the full family!?" Denki whisper shouts.
"Only if you met my other dad, tall, blond, stupid sunglasses, very loud-" He describes looking tired.
"Oh yeah I know that guy! He was dragged outside by security because they thought he was stalking Aizawa-" Denki says laughing at the memory.
"Sounds about righ-" He was cut by a girl running behind the counter.
"Bye Shin!! See you later!!" She smiles and the taller boy ruffles her hair before she runs off to her friend.

"So guys did you want something to eat?" I see the greenette pop up again.
"Maybe coffees to go, we stoped by because someone was really eager to see you again-" I glare at Uraraka who had a visible smirk since she didn't have to wear a fucking mask.
"Oh.. okay? Anyways, do you want me to bring your orders outside? There is a few people and I wouldn't want you guys to be attacked-" He explains with a chuckle.
"True- well we'll take the usual then! Here-" Uraraka hands him a bill and he nods with a smile.
"Okay!" He smiles as the others leave.

"Did you need something Kacchan?" He asks looking at me and I shake my head.
"I'll help you bring the stuff back to the bus." I explain and he nods.
"Thanks Kacchan!" He says cheerfully going behind the counter to start the order.
"So other than Aizawa, was there someone else with you?" He asks concentrated on his task.
"Yeah, our driver, he likes his coffee with milk and sugar." I explain as he nods.

"So how is business going?" I ask him to make conversation, the guy from earlier left so he could go serve clients.
"Oh it's good! If it continues like this I'll be able to have an appartement soon! You'll be able to have your privacy back.." He mumbles then end sadly.
"No." I simply say.
"What?" He asks looking at me confused.
"You're staying with me." I say firmly, ain't no way he's moving out.
"Kacchan- I told you-" I cut him.
"No. I like having you at my place." I say a burst of courage coming in.
"Wha- Kacchan I don't get it.." He says pink covering his cheeks.
"It feels weird when I don't see you. I was the one that was eager to come back. I wanted to see YOU. Freckles, I don't want you to move out.. I like having you around.." I explain slowly feeling the room getting hot.
"Kacchan... I would love to stay with you but- wait a minute.." He says completing the order putting pause to the conversation.

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