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Katsuki POV

The days after were a mess. It went from the rumours of us dating to how I forced myself on her. It was going crazy, the agency decided to file a report against false accusation propagation, since what was being said was a criminal act, we were allowed to make the authorities come in. I didn't have the energy to go out and Izu stayed with me. For once I let him take care of me since I didn't have the energy to do it myself. The crew were a great help and accepted to help the cafe so Izu could stay with me.

"Come on Kacchan.. let's try to go out.. We can take my car so we stand out less and go to your secret place okay?" Izu whispers as he sits next to me on the couch. He let's my head rest on his thighs and he plays with my hair. We discovered that it helped me to calm down, so we found ourselves in this position a lot recently.
"Okay..." I accept unsure.
"I talked to Uraraka today.." He whispers and I tense up.
"It's good news this time." He says with a small smile.  "The endeavour agency admitted to creating false rumours since the investigations were giving no proof on her sayings to be true.." He explains. "So they are going to have a press conference later today to announce it to the public." He explains and I feel relief flow through my body.
"And if you feel like it you can go to the meeting and tell them all to go fuck themselves for believing someone else then the great Dynamight..." He says playfully making me chuckle.
"Can you come with me for this one..?" I ask him and he stops moving for a few seconds to think about it and finally nods.
"Yeah, I'll be there.." He smiles reassuringly and I sit up and pull him in a kiss.
"Thank you.. Thank you for everything.." I say against his lips.
"I'll be there no matter what.. you know that right?" He asks and I nod.
"Can we go to the cafe instead today? I need to thank the other extras for helping.." I admit embarrassed and he giggles nodding.
"That's perfect for me.." He smiles brightly and we both get up and get ready to go.

"Do you know who's gonna be there?" I ask him as I change my clothes.
"You, Aizawa, Uraraka, the investigator, Toshinori, Endavour, Shigaraki (their manager) and Toga." He explains and I nod.
"The great Yagi Toshinori comes out of his office for a press conference?? I feel honoured!" I say sarcastically making Izu laugh.
"Yeah well, that bitch really did shit so-" I cut him mid sentence.
"Did you? Izuku Midoriya? Just say: Bitch?!" I ask kinda shocked.
"She can't just go tell false rape rumours like it's nothing!! It's because of people like her that when you're actually raped it's harder to get the truth out!!" He says irritated and I can't help but look at him in admiration.
"I love you.." I smirk and he rolls his eyes.
"I'm serious here!!" He whines. "But I love you too.." He mumbles with a smile a small blush across his cheeks.
"Let's go!" I exclaim taking his hand. I also grab my mask and cap and immediately put them on.


"Hey Shin!" Izu starts the conversation on the phone.
"Are there clients in? I'm with Kacchan we don't really want to create a commotion." He explains over the phone.
"Okay good, thanks." He says hanging up.

"Come on, there's only an elderly couple, we should be good." He smiles and I nod as we both go in hand in hand.
"BAKUBRO!!" Kirishima yells startling the couple.
Izu mouths them a sorry and bows and they just smile going back to their conversation.
"Hey.." I say calmly.
"We heard the news! It's great! You'll be able to come back to practice!" Kiri grins proudly.
"Yeah that shit's been going on long enough." I grumble annoyed.
"Oh! Hey Bakubabe!" Mina joins more calmly the conversation than the first one.
"Hey Dude! Happy to see you alive!" Denks says happily.
"You guys can go in the back to talk, I'll help Shin in the front." Izu says quietly and I nod as he leaves slowly letting go of my hand.
"I just wanted to talk to you guys.. Can you come with me for a minute?" I ask calmly, it must startle them since I'm actually being nice right now. They must because I'm scaring myself too.
"Yeah sure!" Denks says and we all go to the small appartement of Izu in the back.
"So what's up BakuBro?" Kiri breaks the silent.
"Don't yell or tell anyone what I'm about to say or I'll blow your face up. Is that clear?" I clarify menacingly.
"That's the Bakugo I know!" Denki says happily making them nod in agreement and I roll my eyes taking a deep breath.

"Anyways. Thanks umm for helping these last few days.. I'm not saying this again so listen. I'm actually sort of happy to have you shitty extras with me.. you're all umm.. Good friends.." I grumble embarrassed.
"He said it!" Mina says shocked.
"He really did.." Kiri says whipping a 'manly tear' like he would call.
"Anytime dude!!" Denks adds and next thing I know they bring me in their group hug. That I, for once, don't refuse..
"Okay enough of this emotional bullshit! This will never be spoken of again. Am I clear?" I ask falsely annoyed.
"Yes sir!" They say in sync making me snort.
"Good." I say under my breath.
"Anyways! How are you going to say to the Media that they were wrong?" Kiri asks curiously.
"I wanna know too!" Mina says invested.
"You'll see." I say with a smirk. I knew exactly what to say.
"We are soooo watching this!!" Denks says with a grin.
"Of course we are! Our great lord explosion murderer is going to make all of them regret doubting his word! He's gonna do it the the manly style!" Kiri says dramatically doing a weird arm movement for the last sentence.

"Have a nice day!" Izu says to a client that was now leaving.
"Oh! You ready?" Izu asks noticing me.
"Yeah." I answer and he nods putting his stuff away.
"Thanks guys! For everything! Also Kiri, ask Shin he can give you your phone number jar!" Izu says happily.
"Thanks men! This will be perfect for prank calls!" Kiri says proudly and I sigh loudly at his childishness.
"You choose!" Izu laughs as he waves everyone goodbye.

"Ready?" Izu asks and I nod with a little confidence.
"Let's do this. I wanna go cuddle after this.." I admit making him giggle.
"Of course." He agrees as we leave.

It's 2:45 PM and the conference starts at 4PM...

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