Too much

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Izuku POV

Kacchan dropped me off earlier since the things that were happening had to be fixed as soon as possible. Today we're Wednesday and I had Shinso that was starting at 5:30 till 1PM and Mirio and Tamaki were working from 12:30 to the closing. Soon a new girl named Mei Hatsume will be starting to work on the weekends, but that's not important for now. Anyways it was 5AM so Aizawa should arrive soon and I was starting to prepare his order.

"Good morning!" I smile at the tired men who just waved quickly and soon followed by Shinso. They often arrived together since they come from the same place, if it wasn't obvious..
"Big day?" I ask him and he grunts and nods.
"That problem child is gonna be the death of me." He grumbles and I chuckle nervously.
"Want an extra coffee today? Everything's on me since my stupid boyfriend can't stay out of trouble-." I ask him trying to make him feel better and he nods with a small smile.
"I'm gonna need it-" He sighs loudly.
"Okay!" I prepare the extra coffee and hand it to him. "Here you go, and I hope the media take things easy on you for once-" I smile at him and he snorts.
"I wish-" He sighs taking everything.
"Well have a nice day!" I smile.
"Also Uraraka told me to tell you that if it starts getting shitty here to call and that she'd send Shoto." He says.
"Will do!" I smile waving goodbye.

"He's gonna kill Kacchan isn't he?" I ask turning to Shin.
"Brutally murder him." He sighs loudly and I chuckle.
"Well at least I got to eat sushi with him before he dies." I say pretending to wipe a tear.
"What was the full story!? Cause what I've heard and seen this is pure chaos and staged." He asks and I nod discouraged.
"To make it short: While a bunch of fans were surrounding her this one girl kissed him, it's a girl from the LOV group, what he doesn't know is when she took his phone and manage to text me and post a picture without him noticing. That's pretty much what happened" I explain and he nods.
"Honestly, if it wasn't for the fact that the guy's clearly head over heals for you AND gay; I'd think it was a hella twisted lie-" He sighs loudly and I chuckle.
"He really always gets himself in the worst situations.." I sigh again.
"All that because people need other peoples drama to live-" We say at the same time and laugh.
"So, is the relationship with you and Kaminari public?" I ask him.
"Sort of, I mean it was announced by the media that Denki Kaminari was in a relationship and all but people didn't make a huge deal out of it because, unlike you, I like the dumb one you just had to go for the over sexualized one-" He smirks and I chuckle.
"But honestly did you see all the things people do? Like they completely change him to cover their fantasies! He isn't even agressive in bed-" I put my hands over my mouth and blush madly realizing what I said and Shin bursts out laughing.
"You didn't hear that and I never said it!" I say in a panic.
"So you did it?" He asks teasing me and I wave my hands around frantically.
"No! I mean- maybe but like- No!!!" I whine.
"Don't worry Mido, won't tell a soul! Except maybe Denki." He winks and I panic.
"Please don't! This is already embarrassing enough as it is!" I whine.
"I'm playing, but don't be embarrassed about it, it's natural desires, most people get them." He smiles tapping my shoulders.
"Thanks..." I mumble still embarrassed but more calm.
"Anyways, I'm checking to hire someone else again, theirs Hatsume starting next week and I would like to see if you guys want less hours if not I'm mostly checking for someone else to work on weekends and also that has a flexible schedule and can come in for replacement when needed." I explain to him and he nods.
"That would be nice, also during the next tour Denki offered for me to come a few days with him, I'd confirm with you the exact dates but I wanted to check in with you if it's okay." He explains.
"No problem! Kacchan asked me too so we'll figure something out, but don't worry about it!" I smile at him.
"Thanks.." He whispers and I nod.
"Now let's hope there's only civilized people that come in today!" I say clapping my hands making him laugh.


I spoke too soon. We had to get Todoroki to come again.. Kacchan apologized a million times but right now, even if they were denying the news the other group were encouraging that they were in a secret relationship and it was a real mess. Their was a live conference right now, it was 2PM and things calmed down so Mirio told me it was okay if I went to watch it. I sat on my bed with my phone on and it started.

Aizawa was on the left, Uraraka on the right and Kacchan in the middle looking annoyed The rest of the group were sitting in the back watching. (Knowing them it was to see the drama up close and not because they were asked to attend.)
"Okay you may start." Aizawa says tired.
It was chaos until Uraraka pointed one interviewer letting them speak.
"Are you and Himiko Toga really in a secret love affair?" She asks an Kacchan 'tsk'.
"No and never will." He says firmly, someone else asks.
"Then why is she claiming that you are?" Someone else asks.
"We're asking ourselves the same damn question." He groans pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
"And what is the status of your current relationship with Izuku Midoriya?" An other men asks and I frown at the mention of my name.
"We're together and happy." Kacchan answers irritated.
"What did he think of your affair with miss Himiko?" Someone else asks.
"I DON'T HAVE A DAMN SECRET AFFAIR WHATSOEVER WITH ANYONE- *breathes loudly calming down after getting a glare from Aizawa* He was shocked but we talked about it and since I'm not a damn liar unlike SOME people, so it was cleared after I explained the situation." He says holding back his anger and trying to stay civilized.
"And what makes us believe that you aren't lying about your sexuality and aren't actually dating Him-" The interviewer got cut flipping a switch in Kacchan.
"Really? You're REALLY asking this!? I ain't like girls and that's final. So before someone asks if I 'became straight for Toga' again I'll make one thing clear since some people are to dense to get it. I'm gay. Not Bi, Not Straight but: G-A-Y. I love someone and I won't mess around with anyone else especially not a psycho like that Toga bitch-" He says firmly not hiding his irritation and anger. "Now. Is there any other stupid questions or can we go back at doing the fun part of our job 'cause this is clearly the worst part of it." He asks loudly.
There was only quiet chatter heard.
"Good. I'm leaving." He says leaving and I close the app at the same time.

Kacchan <3

Me: Do you need to talk?

Kacchan: Please, I'm about to commit murder.

I chuckle as I call him FaceTime.

"Hey.." I smile softly when he answers and he looked tense. I think he locked himself somewhere because we couldn't hear much.
"I fucking hate this.." He mumbles and I see a tear fall.
"Want me to come see you?" I ask worried.
"Please.. I really need you right now.." He admits under his breath.
"Are you at the agency?" I ask him and he nods.
"Can you text me the room you're in? I'll ask Todoroki to drop me off." I ask him.
"I'll send it.." He mumbles. Kacchan almost never breaks down so I know that it was definitely too much for him right now.
"Good. I'll be there as soon as possible." I smile and we hang up saying goodbye.

"Todoroki-kun, is it okay if you drop me off at the agency? I can take the bus it's just Kacchan-" He cuts me before I finish.
"Don't worry, I saw the conference, I think I know why. Now let's go." He says with a microscopic smile.
I confirm with Mirio that he was good and I told him that if I could I would be back.

The drive was silent and next thing I know Todoroki dropped me off at a private lounge where Kacchan was. I knock slowly.
"Kacchan it's me.." I say and the door opens and I'm quickly dragged inside being hugged tightly.
"It's okay Kacchan.." I mumble holding him in a bear hug.
"I hate it.. I hate how they would prefer me being with a psycho then with you. I love you and only you! Why can't they just let us live and just listen to what we make without doing so much drama!?" He sobs sounding angry.
"It sucks, I have no clue how much it hurts right now, I can only imagine.." I mumble scratching his back delicately. "But it's okay.. I know you love me and you know I love you.. What they think is their problem alone.. Want me to kick the butts of those who said those things?" I ask with a small smile.
"That would probably be the most adorable thing in the world.." He chuckles sadly.
"That's not the goal! The goal is to make them regret!" I whine.
"That's my job to kick ass, you it's to hug me once I'm done." He smirks and I shake my head.
"But sometimes you're tired too, you can't kick them if you're tired, you'll end up being stepped on instead.." I mumble sadly.
"I hate you.." He mumbles against my hair.
"No you don't.." I giggle.
"I could never.." He sighs loudly.
"Want to rest a little? We can go back out when you're better.." I offer him and he nods.
"Kiss?" He asks like a child making me giggle.
"As many that you need.." I answer looking at him before our lips slowly connect and we stay like this for a few seconds before backing a little and we smile looking at each other.

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